Publishing Erin!

Okay, here's the news.

As you know, Erin finished her book of World War II poetry about a month ago and sent it off to possible publishers. The publishers knew that this material was coming. Buschek had been given an early copy back in October, but didn't reply back as to their intentions. Then, in January, when Erin was applying for her Works in Progress grant (the only one of the four she didn't get), Wolsak and Wynn wrote in their letter of denial saying "we're sorry, but we've spent our money for this award, but when the book is finished, please send it to us, as we'd like to publish it." So, Erin notified Bubcheck that Ghost Maps was a multiple submission, and that both publishers would have a month to respond if one or the other accepted it.

Well, this past weekend, Buschek wrote. They want to publish Erin. And, upon notification, Wolsak and Wynn want to put in a bid as well. I can't think of a better situation for Erin to be in.

So, I joined the throngs to see Attack of the Clones yesterday, and I was pretty ambivalent. Perhaps I've been corrupted by Spider Man's smart fluff, but Star Wars mindless fluff didn't cut it for me. There was a lot of fancy battles and fun hardware, but the ride wasn't worth the $12.50 I paid for it. Not even close. The acting was insipid and as for the plot... okay, trick question.

By far, the best elements of this movie were the little signs of the Empire showing up in the Republic. It was a genuine surprise to see early-version Storm Troopers helping the Jedi, and the first Star Destroyers couldn't help but put a chill down my spine.

So, it wasn't a total loss, though I'd be happier if I'd only paid $8 to see it. It certainly didn't merit the attacks of Rex Murphy as part of his ongoing campaign against pop culture in all its forms. I mean, jeez, what does this man do for fun? "We have a delightful confection of activities for you at this dinner party. After sitting down to a sumptuous meal of escargot and spinach salad, we will kick back and discuss what Nietzsche may have seen staring into his metaphorical abyss, which will be followed with a exhilerating debate on Kierkegaard which will keep us up to the wee hours of the evening. I don't see us seeing our beds until well past 8:30."

Rex, stop looking down your nose at us and let your hair down... oops, that's physically impossible, isn't it?

The very last episode of The X-Files debuted on Sunday.

I didn't watch it.

Says it all, really. Looking forward to the Buffy season finale instead.

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