Heading West

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We're off west, now, and will hopefully make La Crosse, Wisconsin, tonight. From there, it's only about six or seven hours to Pierre, South Dakota. I'm looking forward to seeing the Mississippi again, and the prairie.

Pierre will be the furthest west I've been in my entire life. I've not travelled extensively. Until I met Erin in Chicago in 1995, I'd not left Canada, ever. Indeed, that Chicago visit was only the second time I'd left the province of Ontario. That's a little sad when you think about it, isn't it?

Since then, I've been to Chicago, Omaha, Lincoln, Vermillion and Platte. I've been as far south as Miami and as far east as Boston. I still haven't gone farther north than Sudbury, Ontario, though.

My list of states and provinces includes: Ontario, Quebec, New York, Massachusetts, Florida, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa, Nebraska, Minnesota and South Dakota. We might add Wyoming on this trip, or we might not. Whatever the case, I'm looking forward to new stuff.

I'll be away from a computer until tomorrow evening, so no posts until then.

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