Blogging in Toronto

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Well, here I am in Toronto, with Wayne, Marguerite and Teri. Everybody arrived safely and passed swiftly through security at Pearson. We headed downtown and parked at the Radisson Plaza Admiral hotel, flopped our bags in our room and flopped ourselves on the sofa, beds, etc. We then had dinner at an excellent Thai place across the street and dessert at the Movenpick after a brief walk.

No idea what to do tomorrow, and we're loving every minute of it.

Wrote four pages of a possible outline for The Young City. I still don't know what this story is going to be about, but I'm getting closer. There's a LOT of setup in the early chapters, and I'm in a lot of danger of slowing this book to a snail's pace with all of the plot details I had to include, but at least I know this problem and can keep an eye on it.

With luck, I'll get more writing time in tomorrow and get a better feel for the story. Then perhaps I can post a few samples.

My father purchased a USB scanner that can go up to 3200 dpi resolution. My scanner is a parallel port and only goes as high as 600 dpi. It takes about two minutes to scan an average illustration, and that has made the Trenchcoat Farewell Project very slow going. Of course, my father's scanner can do a 600 dpi illustration in far less time.

While he was lording this over me, I asked to borrow his scanner. He didn't want to move the model too much (it's reconditioned), but he offered to do some scanning for me. So, I've taken him up on it. About 75 illustrations are now in his hands. The Farewell Project has just gotten a bit of a boost.

Thanks, Dad!

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