Writing News (Not Mine)

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Erin's had more good news about her upcoming book Ghost Maps. She received word from her publisher, Wolsak and Wynn that they are going to accelerate the release of her book. Instead of coming out in February 2004, they're going to release it this coming September.

Part of the reason for this may be the glowing jacket cover blurb by renown Canadian poet Lorna Crozier. This is bound to attract some attention (fingers crossed). So, come September, look for Ghost Maps in better (much better) bookstores everywhere.

May I plug a couple of fiction blogs? Who's gonna stop me?

Metaphysical Love Thing deserves your attention. This is a young blog told from the point of view of a fourteen-year-old California girl named Bronwynne from the year 1973. She's trying to adjust to her new home and her new step-father, and she's developed an intriguing friendship with an off-beat young man named Jordy... who I think may be an elf of some kind.

The blog is young, so you still have a chance to get into the story (getting into Fiction Blogs after a lot of time and narrative has passed can be difficult), and the author writes Bronwynne very well. The voice is authentic and fascinating, and there is a definite sense of something truly magical about to happen. I really want to know what happens next.

And Sunny McAll's Ravenstone continues to click along nicely as well. No fantasy elements here (yet); just a tale of a 13 year old boy named Jamie living with his grandfather after his mother's death, getting to know his new home, the people who live around it, and young Kate, who is a delightful friend. Jamie's story has stalled on a cliffhanger at the moment, and I know that more than a few people are gnashing their teeth in frustration. Don't keep us hanging, Jamie!!

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