Lemony-Lime Freshness, With a Hint of Scope

While Erin and I were in Toronto visiting Cameron this past Saturday, we happened to be walking up Yonge Street when thirst called, so we popped into a convenience store to get some drinks. I decided to give the new Sprite Ice a try. So, I bought it without really looking at it, and took it out of the store. Soft drink marketers must really love me.

Perhaps I should have read the label, and gotten a bit of a warning that Sprite Ice is your normal lemon-lime Sprite, with a splash of mint. I figured this out after my first swig, when I wondered if perhaps I misread the label and was drinking Scope. Seeing the look on my face, Erin and Cameron asked what was up, so I thought "why suffer alone?" and I offered my drink to them.

Cameron's face was the most priceless, sort of a "hmm, that's good" followed quickly by "what the hell?!" And he coined the phrase, "the lemony-lime goodness of Sprite, with a hint of toothpaste".

The scary thing, though, was that after our second slugs, Cameron and I actually began to like the drink. Erin refused a second sip, realizing that a mind-control drug was probably in the bottle. Thus she stayed free.

But soon, she will be one of us... one of us... one of us...

(gurgle) Drink Sprite Ice. Drink Sprite Ice. Drink Sprite Ice.

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