Blogs About Fiction? Meet Fictional Blogs II

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My mother-in-law arrived safe and sound this afternoon and we spent the evening watching the documentaries on the Two Towers extended DVD. Wonderful stuff. Tomorrow, if all goes well, my sister-in-law and her husband will arrive, and we’ll share an American Thanksgiving dinner with my parents. We even bought a turkey.

Originally, we were going to buy a turkey breast, since Wendy is a vegetarian, and there is usually enough food with just the fixings to have quite a meal (we would have done away with the turkey altogether, but Lars and I are NOT vegetarians). Our plan changed when I went over to Sobeys and compared prices between turkey breasts and full-fledged turkeys in the freezer, and darned if the two weren’t exactly the same.

I refuse to pay $14/kg for a piece of meat on principle. I bought a 15 pound turkey for about $3/kg and I’m expecting to have a lot of leftovers. But, hey, at least I’ll be fed for a while.

There have been some interesting developments in the fictional blog world, some of which has been picked up by my Fiction Bloggers webring.

Check out Yearsworth, an online diary of an unlucky character who has lost everything in rural Australia and has moved to Sydney. His life doesn’t look like it’s going to improve anytime soon, but the posts are well written and are told (as proper fictional blogs should be, in my opinion) in the first person in a compelling and heartfelt way. Poor Peter Yearsworth isn’t going to have a good time, but his readers should still find his tales interesting.

I’m delighted to hear that Ravenstone is coming back. The first Ravenstone was a blog of 13-year-old orphan Jamie Robson living in rural England with his strict grandfather (known as “The Captain). Sunny McAll, the author, had Jamie’s voice down pat, and crafted stories that were funny, sad and always intriguing. Unfortunately, Jamie Robson’s diary is no longer on the web, but Ms. McAll has announced that she will be starting work on the diary of Jamie’s grandfather, James William Robson (known as William), as a 13-year-old boy growing up in the early 1960s. If it is as good as the original Ravenstone blog, it will be well worth your attention. (Note to Sunny; you’ll probably have to rejoin the Fiction Bloggers webring)

Lisa Inman and Natasha are plugging away at their works and they’re always worth reading and, finally, a tip of the hat to Imogen, who is still pushing through the NaNoWriMo. She has some excellent fiction (fan fiction and original) online, and I’m eagerly looking forward to seeing how her new novel turns out. I can hardly wait for more Crimson Dawn too!

My own writing is going in fits and starts, with editing and possible revisions of both The Young City and Rosemary and Time being considered, but nothing substantial happening just yet.

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