On this day of the fourth Carnival of the Canucks, I'm doing a carnival of my own, this one focusing on writer blogs. This will not be a weekly event, unless somebody else wants to take it up. We have a number of writers and poets online, and many of their blogs are well worth reading. Of course they are; it's their job after all.
So, here's what's happening in the writing blogosphere (feel free to post additional links in the comments):
Joe Clifford Faust has a number of interesting posts, including one where he talks about where notions come from, and a link to Holt Uncensored's Ten Mistakes Writers' Don't See (But Can Easily Fix When They Do). Good advice, all.
Susan at Spinning is fifty, but can still do an ice-assisted full-split. Ouch. Check out her posts on writing.
Neil Gaiman is in Chicago, not attending a convention, but a courtroom, defending his copyright.
Michael Gates gets our goat and gives us some random acts of poetry.
Poetess Crystal King blogs from Boston and wonders Where have all the gnomes gone?
Thank goodness! Imogen McCallum is back blogging after a long absense. She has had a hectic (to put it mildly) holiday. How she manages to juggle so much and still write is beyond me, but watch her. Her fantasy works will be published someday, I'm sure of it.
We haven't heard from Ravenlike in a while, which is a shame (it's a nicely designed blog). He links to a Wired Magazine article on the second coming of Philip K. Dick.
Lisa Inman has a few thoughts on fame in her livejournal.
The young but very up-and-coming Natasha has been working away at her fiction while slogging through high school and driving lessons. We'll see her books in the stores someday, I'm sure of it.
One of the best unpublished (thus far) writers out there is Rebecca Anderson. Her fantasy story Knife is now off to the publishers, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed for her.
Barbara Fletcher writes about winter.
At A Writer's Diary, Cynthia Harrison has been writing a blurb for her upcoming book and is requesting comments.
Onion Boy challenges you to, for ten minutes, write about unexpected news.
Ancarett, also a candidate for the Carnival of the Canucks is off to Kalamazoo for a Medieval Studies conference. You can read some of her fan fiction here.
Playwright, Raconteur, Miscellanist Darren Barefoot has a successful eBay Auction and wraps up a number of links about movie reviews.
Republican James DiBenedetto talks mostly politics in his blog, and has a good post acknowledging a call for civility from the left. He's on this list because he writes as well, and here's where you can find his work.
I put Resurgere in the wrong blogroll (oops). Here, he writes about being late for yoga class and whether or not he writes like a girl. He finished the NaNoWriMo.
Sea of Humanity writes about the horrors of Comcast. Customer service reps beware: you are fodder for a good story!
Playwright and author Charles Deemer (his memoirs, spread throughout his blog, are truly memorable) talks about a chance event that sparked two story ideas, one of which he expects to finish this week.
David Hoffman at Beautiful Handcrafted Animals Journal is closing in on a novel. 60,000 words down, 40,000 to go. You know, Rosemary and Time is only 39,000 words long...
Modern Noise uses his gift of storytelling to describe his upcoming visit to the dentist.
I'm sure I've only scratched the surface. But that's not bad for an hour's work. If you think I've missed something big, please correct me, by posting a comment about it.