Elect Mark Who?

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I'd like to make one more thank you to Warren Kinsella, whose link to my post on why the Martin government does not deserve my vote generated something like a thousand hits, some of which are still coming in. Wow.

Speaking of that post, I was more than a little amused to see that it generated a Google ad linking to the official website of Mark Holland, the Liberal candidate for the riding of Ajax-Pickering. I'm guessing that the Google ad purchasers didn't limit their keywords enough so that their ads wouldn't appear on sites critical of the Martin administration.

However, I looked at Mark Holland's site and I was quite impressed. I've viewed it in Internet Explorer, Opera and Mozilla, and it looks good in all three. The web design is crisp and user friendly. More intriguingly, Mark Holland has a web log covering his campaign.

He honestly states that "will make every effort to keep the 'Web Log' up-to-date", suggesting that lapses are possible, but with April 26th being the date of the last post, Mr. Holland is still doing far better than his party leader.

So, kudos to the web designers of Mark Holland's website. Perhaps the Liberal party would do well to hire them on...

This is the Face of Responsible Journalism

Chris Albritton of Back to Iraq writes on the controversies around the abuse of prisoners by British and American soldiers in Iraq.

Chris Albritton digs deeper, and some of what he finds might offend the more ardent pro and anti-war protesters, because he shows that both sides are wrong. He notes that while some people are calling the abuses isolated incidents blown out of proportion by the media, he notes that others are so eager to indict the coalition forces that they've accepted as truth a handful of photographs and films that are forgeries.

In the debate as intense as the one we're having around the invasion of Iraq and its aftermath, sometimes we toss our objectivity away. Any press report that doesn't agree with our own preconceived notions is dismissed as bias. It seems as though journalists take the brunt of the blame for our own failings. It just goes to show that, in this debate, as with most things in life, no person or group of people owns the truth. The truth owes nobody anything. Thus bias, like beauty, tends to be in the eye of the beholder.

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