Chris Albritton of Back to Iraq has got his gear together and is heading into Iraq for a second time since the coalition forces invaded. This American reporter, renown for his independent journalism, is entering the country at the height of the revelations of prisoner treatment at Abu Ghraib and just as images of Al Queda’s murder of an American hostage have hit the airwaves.
My thoughts are with him. Let’s hope he makes it out safely.
Spring is Over
The pollen is sprouting on the trees and it’s muggy and oppressive in our unconditioned bedroom at eleven o’clock this evening. Spring in Ontario is over. We have officially entered summer.
Overall, however, we’ve had a good spring. There were no days that I could recall where three quick days separated snow on the ground from 30’C temperatures. The winter through January and February was long and hard (relatively speaking) and broke wonderfully with a week of warmth, sunshine and flowing water. We’ve had some unstable days, but most of March and April was brisk but not overly wintery. So, this past spring gets a passing grade.
Hey, this is Ontario: the province that spring forgot. I’ll take what I can get.
The Pen Really is Mightier than the Sword
Want to help the children of Afghanistan? Send them pens. I’m serious.