Summing Up Canada/US Relations

Apropos of nothing:

Sometimes, living next to the United States is like being beside a friend or a lover who has gone into a complete hysterical fit, leaving you to contemplate the best means to snap them out of it.

The problem is, the United States is also a 900 pound gorilla, so a short, sharp slap in the face might not be the healthiest solution…

The Library is Rebuilt

You may recall earlier this year that the United Talmud Torah elementary school library had burned down due to a hateful firebombing. It was part of a small rash of anti-semitic incidents that included the vandalizing of a Jewish cemetery next to my townhouse complex. I still suspect that this flare-up may have had something to do with the release of Mel Gibson’s movie, The Passion of the Christ.

Anyway, I’m glad to report that the United Talmud Torah elementary school library has recently reopened, fresh, new and restocked after a $300,000 renovation paid for by thousands of donations in money and books that poured in from across Canada.

Amazing how a little bit of good news brightens up the day, isn’t it?

Trenchcoat Progress

Sentinel corrections entered, and final proof added to the issue. Work continues on the extras and the acknowledgements. A couple of more fillers to scan, and then a final go-over to make sure serious mistakes haven’t crept through.

With luck, we go to the printers this Saturday.

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