Irons in the Fire

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First of all, I’d like to acknowledge some links. Northstar at the People’s Republic of Seabrook linked to my blog as part of the 122nd Carnival of the Vanities. Apparently he thought that this post passed his muster. To all visitors from his impressive blog, welcome.

And I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention that Robert McClelland linked to me for the seventh edition of his Cavalcade of Canucks. He had to stretch a little bit in his drive to link together the centre-left of the Canadian blogosphere by filing my review of the latest episode of Battlestar Galactica under culture. And it’s not even Canadian culture at that, although I suspect BG is filmed at least partly in BC.

Thanks for the links, guys, and a classy move, Robert, linking to all of the winners of the Blog Awards for the latest Cavalcade, regardless of their political stripe. I’ll try to have something more substantial for you next week, I promise.

Earlier today, my father commented that I had a lot of irons in the fire. I’ve just been told that the :Trenchcoat Farewell Project: is bound and is ready to be picked up tomorrow. I’m hoping to deliver some copies in person in Toronto this Saturday. I have a freelance assignment that’s running up hard against a deadline, two web commissions, writing to do, and a temp job that’s supposed to keep the bills paid. He wondered how I managed it.

Later, he asked about the used laptop he bought me. It’s a venerable old IBM Thinkpad. A 760CD that he purchased for $60. It runs Windows 98SE, has two PCMCIA I slots and was, I’m told, worth $10000 in its day — which was 1995.

Don’t laugh. This beauty works perfectly fine as a word processor, and it more than adequately replaces the 486 Tandy “laptop” that I’d used to work on stories electronically and remotely. If I could get the Thinkpad to work on a wireless network, it would be a major step up.

Have you ever tried finding a PCMCIA I wireless card? Well, the laptop distributor found one, and I’m pretty sure it’s a miracle. The guy was so impressed, he mailed the thing to me free of charge. My father was curious if I’d loaded it up on my machine, yet.

Dad: So, did your wireless card arrive?

Me: Yup

Dad: Did it come with drivers?

Me: I’ve got to download them.

Dad: Did you download them?

Me: Nope.

Dad: Did you see if the card fits?

Me: Nope.


Me: Remember when you asked how I had time for all of the irons in my fire? Well…

This might also explain the state of the kitchen floor

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