I’m pleased to announce the results of two new website commissions.
Brian Henderson’s Thresholds is the official website of Brian Henderson, a published poet. From his biography:
Brian Henderson is the author of eight collections of poetry (including a deck of visual poem-cards). His work has appeared in a number of small magazines over the years and in the seventies he was a founding editor of RUNE. He has a PhD in Canadian literature, has worked as a university instructor, a phone jack installer, a traffic counter, a shipper/receiver and a rock drummer. He’s been employed in educational publishing for most of his career but is now the director of Wilfrid Laurier University Press. He has two children by a previous relationship and lives with the love of his life in Kitchener, Ontario.
The website contains his publishing CV, a complete inventory of his books and samples of his work. Even though I do say so myself, I like the richness of the colour here, and I believe the site allows users to get around quickly. The site is maintained with Movable Type.
The New Quarterly’s website has a more familiar look, but I hope it will increase the profile of the little literary magazine that could. There’s still work to be done, here. Ideally, I’d like to put in a listing of all of The New Quarterly’s back issues, but all the important information is up, and you can subscribe to the magazine or purchase certain back issues through Paypal.
Another freelance commission is off to the printers at Business Edge. Barring accidents, look for my article on the Region of Waterloo International Airport to appear in the March 3rd edition.
Also, while you’re at the Business Edge website, read this article on the coming retirement crisis in the entrepreneur sector. Health care in Canada and Social security in the United States aren’t the only things that are going to be affected by the looming Boomer retirement. It’s as I said: we need to throw open our doors to young and qualified immigrants, pronto.
I’ve also submitted my first article to the K-W Record’s Community Editorial Board, which I believe will appear this coming Monday.
With all the work on websites and commentary, not to mention continuing to mail out the :Trenchcoat Farewell Project:, I’ve not had as much time to work on my fiction projects as I’d like, but work is getting done. I’ve a scene idea for The Night Girl in my head that I hope to get on paper soon, but I’ve mostly been focusing on renovating The Young City. I’ll have more on this later, possibly posting a few rough scenes.