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August 2005 Archives
The Names of Things III
The Drowning of New Orleans
Fingers Crossed
Pray For New Orleans
Movable Type 3.2 Reviewed
Local PBS Commercials Versus Federal
Patriotism Really is the Last Refuge of the Scoundrel
Getting to the Bottom of Things (the Core Reviewed)
Yes, We Have No Bananas
The Religions' Right to be Wrong (in our opinion)
The Curious Case of the $10 Bill Shortage
Headline: Gas Thief Escapes on Tricycle
The $1L Gas Problem (Like the Y2K problem, except with gas)
The Conservative Critique III: the CBC
Milk: It Does Bilingualism Good
Death Becomes Us (No, not really)
Is it time for a Scottish DVD player?
Not Twin Brothers...
So, what was that about peak oil?
Goodyear Rubber Could Have Prevented This Accident
Right Down the Memory Hole
William Poole Pleads Not Guilty
"Never Do Anything You Don't Love"
The Conservatives Are On Their Trolley
Odd Spam
On the Arrest of Mark Emery
The Passing of King Fahd