Today would have been Wendy Ewell’s thirty-first birthday. sent us a special occasion reminder today. We really have to get that cancelled.
The family has been up to the Holy Family Shrine for a memorial mass. I know Erin wishes we were up there with them, but it’s simply not feasible. We’ll be heading down on the 22nd. The journey itself is not something I’m looking forward to, but Erin’s family has to be together this Christmas. This holiday is going to be hard, but at least the in-laws will be able to see how much Vivian has grown these past few weeks. We’re looking forward to seeing everyone and showing her off.
We’ll be flying out of Detroit. Not my first choice, but it has the definite benefit of providing us with a direct flight to Kansas City. No hellish change of planes in Midway or, worse, O’Hare. From Kansas City, my father-in-law will be able to pick us up. Then we’ll shuttle back and forth between Lincoln, Omaha, South Dakota and Des Moines until the 31st. It may be hard slogging, but I hope we’ll have plenty of rest periods in between. I’m looking forward to the festivities, especially the Vermillion family feast.
Links Without Context (Hat tip to Jordon Cooper)
- This interesting website suggests a minor crossover between Doctor Who: The Christmas Invasion and the Quatermass series
- Rebecca Anderson has new names for her third son. We occasionally call Vivian “Princess Screaming Weasel” and “Hungry Mongoose”.
- Was startled to hear of John Spencer’s passing. Startled also to hear that he was only fifty-eight. He looked a lot older; like he was in his sixties to me.