Unwritten Girl: Toronto Launch Party and Podcast

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This news has been crossposted to the Unwritten Blog:

It gives me great pleasure to announce that the Toronto launch party for The Unwritten Girl has been finalized. Unless something unexpected occurs, Toronto-area readers can get together to celebrate the books launch on Sunday, June 18, at 2:00 p.m. in the prestigious Nicholas Hoare Books.

Located on Front Street East near Church, close to the St. Lawrence Market, Nicholas Hoare is a great bookstore. I first visited it in late November 2003 when I attended Erin’s Toronto-area launch for her first book of poetry, Ghost Maps. They have an excellent atmosphere, lots of good books, and a very good children’s section at the back of the store. Since then, I’ve come in when. Just browsing the store makes you feel like you’re absorbing literature through osmosis.

The afternoon of Sunday, June 18 should be a good time to bring your kids downtown for a reading, a signing and a mingling. I just have to set up the catering. Any suggestions?

The Unwritten Girl Podcast Now Available

If you would like to listen to a sneak preview of The Unwritten Girl, either in your car or on your iPod, or if you’d just like to hear the sound of my voice, click on one of the two links above and download an audio book of me reading the prologue and first chapter of my book.

Dan Wagstaff (my publicist at Dundurn and I came up with this idea while looking for ways to offer extras to potential readers on this website. I was influenced by the tips offered by author J.A. Konrath (thanks to Robert McLelland for the link). I didn’t have any short stories to offer, so we wondered if, in addition to an excerpt, a podcast would work. So, I gave it a try, inspired by the work done by Greg Staples for his Bloggers Hotstove, working with the Apple program Garage Band and the results are before you today. I had a lot of fun producing this, and Garage Band 3.0 made a surprisingly easy task.

It’s not a professional job, but I was able to edit things so I could eliminate flubbed lines and the like. I hope it’s easy for you to listen to. I’m told that Dundurn is excited about this project because I suspect it represents one of their first audio books. If you have any comments or complaints about the podcast, feel free to contact me and I’ll see what I can do to fix it. Otherwise, enjoy the excerpt!

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