The launch party for The Unwritten Girl was a big success. I believe we got almost thirty people out for the event and sold twenty-two copies. Certainly the sales representative from Words Worth Books was pleased, and there was a good buzz throughout the presentation. I was nervous as all get-out, but I had a lot of fun, and it felt good signing all of those copies.
I’d like to thank everybody who came out, friends, family and people who hardly know me; in particular I’d like to thank Idealistic Pragmatist, Greg Staples, Greg Bester and Canadian Cynic who marshalled a force of area bloggers to help bolster attendance, and who were great fun to drink beers with at the Huether Hotel afterward. And a special shout-out to Cameron Dixon and Rebecca Anderson who came some distance to attend the event.
I will be uploading pictures tomorrow, but now I’ve just watched the super-sized season finale of Battlestar Galactica and am wiped. I bid you all adieu and hope you enjoy the weekend.
(Update, Sunday at 17:14): Here are some photographs. Intelligent Pragmatist will be sending me some from the blogstravaganza.