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Under Fifty Gas

The Toko Gas Bar at the corner of Columbia and Weber in Waterloo, undergoing redevelopment, still displays the cheapest price of gas that it sold when it closed… four years ago.

I Get Mail

The photo above makes this an appropriate time to post this on my blog: I received an e-mail from Michael Southern, a senior advisor at Downstream Communications.

I have enjoyed reading your blog. I have seen a number of postings about rising gas prices and recall one in particular from earlier this year where you wrote about some of the urban myths around gasoline pricing and the e-mail chain letters that frequently circulate around the Internet. I work at Petro-Canada and know that fluctuating gasoline prices have long been a passionate topic among Canadians.

We — re trying something new when it comes to providing information about gasoline pricing. We know that people are frustrated about gas prices, and many have questions about this issue. We also know that charts, graphs and overly-technical answers from the oil industry aren — t cutting it.

Our employees had a better idea. They can answer gas price questions better than anybody because they — ve been debating these issues with their family and friends for years. So we took many of those straight-forward answers they — ve been using and created Pump Talk, a series of short videos available at as well as on YouTube ( Love it or hate it, let us know what you think. Tear it apart or discuss it. We just want to be part of the discussion.

Michael Southern
Senior Advisor, Downstream Communications

Have a look and see for yourself.

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