What if Steve Jobs was President... or, What if the President was Steve Jobs

Mad TV hits it out of the ballpark with this skit poking fun at Steve Jobs, Apple’s presentations, and President Bush’s Iraq policies in one go. Well worth a look.

Thought Interrupted says it best:

The Edmonton Journal has a problem.

My guess is either “employee engagement” or “IT Security”.


As of 11:00 a.m. on Thursday, March 15, this article has been up on the website for two days.

In other news, I don’t know how I ended up as a business reporter with a focus on alternative fuels, but here I am, talking about the massive savings a Mississauga company achieved through geothermal (yes, geothermal) energy. And it’s not alone: several projects in Alberta (yes, Alberta) are getting into the act, reducing or eliminating their dependence on gas and oil.

Check out the article here.

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