Thank You, Ottawa!

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These photographs are courtesy Balbulican of Stageleft

I arrived back from my Ottawa trip around midnight. I’m feeling tired, but quite happy. The event at Books on Beechwood went well, I thought. We had a decent crowd and sold our our copies of Fathom Five and the bookstore seemed pleased with the results.

I’d like to thank aunt Dorothy and uncle Edward for putting me up for the night and for the representatives of the Ottawa blogging community who came out and waved the flag. It was nice seeing Stageleft and Balbulican again, and it was good to meet Victor Wong, the Phantom Observer. As we headed over to the New Edinburgh pub, I ran into an old school chum and his wife, and we settled in for some good conversation and some rooting for the Senators.

Was delighted to hear that Ottawa won its first game at home. Go Sens!

The trip back was uneventful; a situation no doubt helped by the fact that I cleared out before the game started.


Bloggers Stageleft and Phantom Observer take their positions around me.


Some readers wait for the event to start.

So, What’s Next?

I have two events coming up this weekend. I will be attending Booked!, reading alongside Edo van Belkom at 10:00 a.m. on Friday morning. The event takes place in Fort York and is one of a number of readings going on that day and the next. Tickets are $5 for one event or $8 for two. If you’re in the area this Friday, think about coming out. That evening, there will be a gala tribute to Stephen King, and tickets there start at $25.

I’ll be in town again the following Monday to attend the BookExpo tradeshow. I’ll be signing copies of Fathom Five at Dundurn’s booth from 10:30 - 11:00 a.m. I’m really looking forward to this because the trade show, truly, is as if you’ve died and gone to book heaven; a critical mass of free books, author signings and interesting displays as the various publishers go all out to sell their lines.

And it’s likely that I’ll be in town on Sunday as well, as Erin will be signing copies of The Mongoose Diaries that morning. More details will soon be available on her website.

After that, things calm down a bit until Saturday, June 30, when Bob Tarantino and I gather at Nicholas Hoare booksellers (45 Front Street East, just west of Church Street) at 2 p.m. to officially launch our two books to the Toronto audience. I’ll be reading from Fathom Five and Bob will introduce Under Arrest: Canadian Laws You Won’t Believe, which I think will be a must-have for any coffee table. There will be snacks, questions, answers and autographs and, at 4 p.m., we’ll cross the street to the Flatiron and Firkin pub for a Blogstravaganza. A fun time will be had by all, and I look forward to seeing you there.

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