You are *SO* Going to Purgatory!

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Image courtesy Frivolous Photos, with an extra hat tip to Andrew Gurudata.

This Is So…. Sad!

Offered without further comment:

How would one write “Yankees Suck” in Tengwar, the Elvish alphabet from Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings? It’s a good question, and I’ve had an interesting discussion with Star Trek author Geoff Trowbridge on that very point.

My take on “Yankees Suck” —


So, Red Sox fans out there. If you want to slam the Yankees in Elvish, feel free.


Okay, I will add one comment: Go Cubs!

Great Walks

Tomorrow (or, today, depending on when you read this), the Toronto Psychogeographic Society will be engaging in their walk along that cross-section of the city, Queen Street, from Roncesvalles Avenue at the west end, all the way to Neville Park at the east. Further details are available at the Spacing Toronto blog site.

The Toronto Psychogeographic Society is more than just a walking club. It’s about engaging the city as a pedestrian, exploring and examining its scale. A case in point is their walk from Pearson International Airport, which was not very pedestrian friendly, as you can well imagine.

Queen Street should be easier, as it remains a walkable urban street throughout its length, but these guys have a task ahead. It’s going to be a LONG walk. My own trek up the Toronto portion of Yonge Street could not have been completed without transit. I’m a long way from the time when I was able to walk from downtown Toronto through residential streets to the end of the various subway lines. However, I think these guys are up for it. I wish I was there, and I wish the guys the best of luck.

Cameron, and anybody else in Toronto reading this, if you wish to join this, show up at Queen and Roncesvalles at 2 p.m. The informal gathering will head east at that point. Or go check out Word on the Street.

In other news, I had the pleasure of seeing the fourth season premiere of House and the opening episodes of The Sarah Jane Adventures. I’ll do a proper review of the latest Sarah Jane offering shortly (it’s quite good), but I was also pleasantly surprised by the quality of the House premiere. Excellent House-Wilson-Cuddy stuff, and a lot of fun. Just hand the show to these three. And it ended with a promise of further fun episodes. All-in-all, better than anything from the season before, and an excellent start.

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