Texas Republicans have worked overtime to make it harder for key Democratic voting groups to vote and be represented fairly. The redistricting games they’ve played are infamous. And for the Prairie View A&M University precincts, they put the early-polling place more than seven miles from the school.
So what did the students in this video do? They shut down the highway as they marched seven miles to cast their votes on the first day of early voting.
Hat tip to Vanity Press.
Seven Minutes of Your Life that You Won’t Get Back
And now for something completely different…
Hat tip to Canadian Cynic.
The Rise of the Machines III
As those demonic Elmo dolls became more and more advanced, you just knew something like this was around the corner:
With a squeeze of its fuzzy belly, the Sesame Street character now says, in a sing-song voice, “Kill James.” “It’s not something that really you would think would ever come out of a toy,” said Melissa Bowman, James’ mother. “But once I heard, I was just kind of distraught.”
The Elmo Knows Your Name doll, which connects to a computer to learn certain phases and names, recently ran out of battery power, Bowman said.
Elmo knows your name, huh? And he knows where you live.
About an hour after she put new ones in, “I noticed exactly what it was saying,” Bowman said. “And my son was repeating exactly what it was saying.”
Fisher-Price, the toy company that manufactures the dolls, said it will issue the Bowmans a voucher for a replacement doll. The company said it will examine James’ model for the source of the problem and check whether other Elmos are experiencing the same malfunction.
(link, hat tip Boing Boing)
My advice for Fisher-Price? Call Governor Schwarzenegger. He’ll know what to do.
Count the Puns!
A serious economic dispute has opened up between two major employers in New Brunswick:
Nadeau Poultry Farm Ltd. of St-Francois-de-Madawaska has been notified that its major supplier, Group Westco, will be taking its business to Quebec as of July.
The loss of the supplier would see about 200 job losses at the plant that employees 340 people and processes 31 million chickens a year, said Yves Landry, Nadeau general manager.
Westco produces about half of the 31 million chickens and wants to sell the birds to Quebec instead. The company allegedly tried to acquire the Nadeau slaughterhouse from its owner, Maple Lodge Farms, unsuccessfully in 2007, according to Radio-Canada.
Unfortunately, the CBC cannot see fit to treat this subject seriously. Why? Because it’s the poultry business.
Feathers flying in N.B. chicken dispute
An interprovincial trade flap has New Brunswick’s only poultry processing plant crying foul.
Bad CBC! No biscuit!