So, anybody think that this picture above is trying to tell us something about the upcoming season?
Here's more about this photograph (Hat tip to Boing Boing).
A Pox on All Your Houses. I'm Voting Green
Although it's just one poll, and we know how all over the place they've been of late, these numbers highlighted by Scott Tribe are no surprise to me. If nothing else, the Conservative handling of the whole Chuck Cadman affair has done much to maintain the story and harm their credibility as much, if not moreso, than the Liberals have done. You saw the same thing with their boneheaded moves on the whole Gary Lunn/Linda Keen fiasco.
But the Liberal ability to capitalize on Conservative miscues has been stunted by their own cowardice. My sense is that Canadians are deeply dissatisfied with the quality of leadership shown by the Conservative party in this day and age, but looking across the aisle at Stephane Dion, they see no compelling reason to move their votes there.
Thus, who gets the benefit? The Greens, apparently:
The Canadian Press Harris-Decima survey had the two major parties in a statistical dead heat, with the Tories nominally ahead of the Liberals 31-30.
While the Tories and Liberals appeared stalled, the NDP at 17 per cent and the Bloc Québécois at 8 per cent nationally were not big beneficiaries.
The Green party, which has never elected an MP, rose to 13 per cent nationally and was actually a point ahead of the NDP in Ontario — 18-17.
Keep this up, and we may have an opening for a Rhino government after all.
Small Signs that the Government is Still Working
I hope and expect that this will pass quickly and with a minimum of disruption.
The federal government has introduced legislation to ensure women on First Nations reserves have matrimonial property rights if their marriages dissolve, Indian Affairs Minister Chuck Strahl said Tuesday.
Provincial laws governing the fair division of assets when marriages fail do not apply on reserves, and the federal Indian Act, which governs most aspects of life on reserves, does not address the subject.
Aboriginal women's groups have argued the absence of matrimonial property laws has created hardship for women whose marriages break down, usually forcing them and their children to leave their reserves or move in with family members.
The bill was drafted following widespread consultations over the past year with interested parties, including the Native Women's Association of Canada and the Assembly of First Nations.
Good work, guys. More please.
(Update: March 7): The folks at Stageleft have notified me that there's more to this legislation than it seems. There usually is. Be sure to check out their take on this.