The weekend’s heatwave broke yesterday, with some big and exciting thunderstorms on Monday and Tuesday. I like a good thunderstorm. They’re fascinating to watch and listen to, even if they cause some disruption, like the tree across the GO line that stopped traffic during the Monday morning rush hour. I find that weather like that makes life interesting. That’s just the way I am.
But back in Des Moines and Omaha, the thunderstorms are too intense and there are too many of them. If you can, send a few thoughts and prayers Iowa’s way. In fact, say a few prayers for the whole Midwest.
The news back from Des Moines isn’t good. Flood warnings blanket practically the entire state, and it doesn’t look like it will be long before the downtown of the capital is a foot underwater. The news media, who are treating this with the enthusiasm of a hurricane strike, are paying close attention to a number of dams which could, if things don’t go well, be breached. Even though flooding is serious downstream, some dams may have to be opened to prevent catastrophic failure of the structures.
My mother-in-law is clearly worried. Michael and their house is well away from the Des Moines floodplain, but there’s a creek in the back yard that feeds into the river. And in the last major floods (1993), floodwaters took out the town’s water supply. Des Moines clearly remembers the previous flood, and from that there’s hope that they’re prepared for this onslaught, but still, it’s tense.
Worse, the weather calls for rain for the rest of the week. They certainly don’t need it.
The picture below is of thunderheads over the Midwest, as seen from space. Hat tip to Cameron
Waterloo-Wellington Blogstravaganza Reminder
On a much lighter note, don’t forget that bloggers and blog readers from all across Waterloo Region, Guelph and County Wellington are invited to a get-together this Saturday at 5:30 p.m. at the Huether Hotel. Bring a friend, and I look forward to seeing you there.