I’ll be reading in the authors’ tent at Kitchener’s Word on the Street, today at 12:30. If you’re in the area, come see me there. I’ll write more about it when I have a chance.
Edited to Add…
I had a good day today. I parked down beside the Victoria Park pavilion and made it to the children’s authors’ tent around noon, and watched as an illustrator kept her young audience enthralled. I was a little worried that the audience was a little young for my story about paranormal teenage romance, but many stayed and listened to me read, and I was approached by a few people at the end to autograph books.
It was also around Vivian’s naptime, but the girl took it well, falling asleep in her stroller as I spoke (like it was a bedtime story, perhaps), and later, she went to play in Victoria Park’s wonderful playground. I also had the privilege of sitting for a Word on the Street photo shoot. A photographer was producing one of those “READ” posters that go up on school library walls, featuring authors reading. Somehow I had misplaced my reading copy of Fathom Five, but the photographer allowed me to read the display of my laptop computer. Then Vivian ran into the shot and held onto my leg. I have a feeling the photograph will be a wonderful depiction of the life of a stay-at-home author dad.
Just like Eden Mills, the Word on the Street festival is an invigorating event for anybody who loves writing or reading. It’s great seeing all these ordinary Canadians wandering around, sharing with each other their love for books.
Here are some photographs Erin and I took of the event.