It’s been a busy and exciting week, as Vivian deals with Halloween and, tomorrow, her third birthday. Hmm… Vivian and sugar. She’s already her own set of twins, sometimes, so as you can guess, she’s running us a little ragged. But, truthfully, I wouldn’t have her any other way.
As always you can see Vivian (and Nora!) growing up on our Flickr photostream. There’s pictures of our Halloween trek through the neighbourhood, and dancing with her friend across the street, Nathalia.
I’ve been working on a number of things that have been keeping me from this blog. One project, which is nearing completion, is the new website for author Deborah Kerbel. This Toronto-based author’s latest novel, Mackenzie, Lost and Found, is being released by the Dundurn Group later this month, and the website is being timed to its release.
I’m quite pleased with how the website has turned out. Deborah had Simone at Flying Mouse Design draft the website in PDF, and it was my task to transfer that design into HTML, which was an interesting challenge. I’m quite pleased at how it has turned out.
I’ve also finished the second draft of The Dream King’s Daughter, and am thinking about getting copies out to trusted readers for their opinions. Erin, as you can see from her LiveJournal, has been waiting with baited breath as her novel, Plain Kate, has been going through a sealed bid auction managed by her agent at Pippen Properties. Actually, that has consumed most of our attention these past few days, and I’m waiting on tenterhooks to blast out the joyous news, but I have to wait. However, things are definitely looking good for Erin’s writing career.
I’m ecstatic as a husband and as a fellow writer, and I’m also proud, because I strongly encouraged Erin to try her hand at prose twelve years ago. I’m grinning right now, because I had a hand in this, and I’m pleased to see these seeds bear fruit in such a big way.
Tomorrow is Vivian’s third birthday party. Look for photographs on this blog. Then it’s back to work.