Sledding in Des Moines

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We arrived in Des Moines around suppertime on Friday night. The weather here on Saturday was beautiful: not too cold, but very bright. There’s plenty of snow around, and we celebrated by taking the girls out tobogganing. We found a decent hill near the townhouse complex where Grandma Rosemarie and Grandpa Michael lived. Both girls loved it, though Nora was the first to decide that the time had come to go inside and get some hot chocolate.

It’s good to be here. The decorations are festive, and we’re looking forward to staying put awhile before heading to Omaha for a O’Connor family Christmas Eve. Then it’s off to Lincoln to the Noteboom family gathering on Christmas.

The forecast calls for a 100% chance of more sledding.

If I don’t get a chance to say so before the day, I’d like to wish each and every one of you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. May you have a wonderful day, in touch with your loved ones, and may the new year bring bright things.


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