Six Books Down, Two to Go

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The busiest period of work I’ve ever experienced since becoming a stay-at-home Dad (not including stay-at-home Dad stuff) continues, but there’s light at the end of the tunnel. I’ve just sent off revisions for my sixth non-fiction-for-kids manuscript since the beginning of August, and I have two more to go. One is already well underway, and the other is well outlined.

I mustn’t forget, though, that work with my real-estate broker client continues, followed by a website technical commission, which is waiting a green light. I also should be ready for the second set of revisions to Icarus Down before (I hope) the story goes on submission in November. The good news is, I’m making the most money I have made in the history of my freelancing, without a major grant. The bad news is, I’m writing this at 1:40 in the morning, and I really should be heading to bed.

I wonder if I should do the NaNoWriMo this year. I’ve been maintaining the pace. Though other things would probably get in the way.

I miss the blog, though. I would still like to review Doctor Who’s Angels Take Manhattan, and write up a post on the season-spanning plotline (or lack thereof) in seasons 6 and 7 of the revival. These will come. I only ask for your patience.

In the meantime, I leave you with this sketch by the incomparable Umbilical Brothers:

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