Merry Christmas 2012

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Topping the Tree

The advantage of having three sets of grandparents is that we have three sets of Christmases (four, if you count our own). That’s three sets of presents, and three sets of decorating and topping Christmas trees (sadly, not four, since grandpa Wendell and grandma Judy are now in Fresno, California, not having a white Christmas and probably loving every minute of it. But they will be here by Epiphany, and we’ll see if we can make it extra snowy for them).

It has been really busy here, but good busy. The kids are enjoying the company of their grandparents, and it’s been a proper white Christmas — a relief, since I was worried we would have a repeat of the Year Without Winter.

But I also have work to do, here. That’s the perils of working as a consulting writer. When you set your own hours, you don’t really end up with vacation time.

The picture below is one of the presents the kids received. They’re pattern blocks. And it’s one of those puzzle games that the whole family can enjoy. As you can see, as Vivian and I started with a pattern, and I decided to explore to see what sort of floor you’d get with these tiles.

I hope this missive finds you all well and enjoying the holidays. I wish you all the best of the Christmas season, and good times in the year to come.

Tile Game

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