The Thrill of Embarrassment

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So, I’ve married a cover girl, apparently.

The image on the right is the cover of the October issue of Quill and Quire, Canada’s leading literary magazine. We’d known this was coming for months (the interviews and photo shoot were conducted over the summer), but still, it’s a shock to see Erin featured so prominently. It bodes well for the release of Sorrow’s Knot on October 1st (in Canada; October 29th in the United states).

Quill and Quire is mailed to a number of school libraries, including, as it turns out, Vivian’s. And a few days ago Vivian emerged from the building bent over double with laughter. Apparently the school librarian, seeing the cover, passed it onto Vivian’s teacher, who showed it to the class after prefacing it with, “perhaps somebody here could tell us a little about the person who’s on the cover of this magazine!”, to which Vivian shouted, “That’s my MOM!!”

Later that day, still giggling, she came up to Erin and said, “MOM! You EMBARRASSED me!” But, truth to tell, she was smiling when she said it. The school principal later said that she was strutting all day.

And, to be honest with you, we kind of are too.

Scholastic Canada has a preview of Sorrow’s Knot, including an excerpt of the first chapter here.. Sorrow’s Knot will be formally launched at Words Worth Books on Saturday, October 19. Click here for more details as they come available.

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