Welcome to Washington

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This time, our Christmas holidays sees us travel south rather than west. After Christmas, we decided to visit my father-in-law Wendell, his wife Judy and her sons, who were gathering in Washington, DC.

We spent two nights in Niagara Falls, giving our kids a trip to an indoor waterpark and shortening the trip south by a good two hours. Even so, it was a long day of travel yesterday. The interstate network requires that we travel to Erie and Pittsburgh before going back to Washington; all the direct routes south from Buffalo take us through mountains on country roads, and we didn’t want to risk that in winter. It’s an undeniably beautiful run, though, but we were wiped out when we got to the hotel last night.

This morning, Erin rested while I took Vivian and Nora to the satellite campus of the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum near Dulles Airport. We quite liked it. There were so many historic planes to look at, and the space hanger features the space shuttle, which fascinated Vivian and Nora (Vivian especially).

So begins a few days while we make use of Washington’s many varied, amazing and free museums.


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