Desk Photographs

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As many of you know, from reading my Facebook feed, we spent a lot of the fall working to convert the garden shed in our back yard to a full-fledged writing office. Thanks to the hard work of Chuck Erion, we had a heated, dry-walled and to-code room away from the house that helped Erin finish a major revision of her upcoming book.

But she isn’t the only one who has had her space upgraded. When we moved from the condominium to the current house, one of the big selling points is it had an additional room that was explicitly an office, downstairs from the living area, not too far from the second bathroom, and with a glass door that I could close.

After years of using the dining room table and confusing the heck out of the use of that room (okay, time to break for supper! Where do we put all the papers?), this was good for me, and good for the use of our living space. We built in a set of bookcases as we’d done in the living room above, put in a desk, the treadmill from Erin’s old downtown office, and I set to work.

I liked having my own space, but it didn’t feel as good as it should have been. I think part of the problem is I didn’t have enough shelf space, so a lot of books remained in boxes. The desk was a bit small, and easy to clutter. After all the work put into Erin’s writing shed, Erin encouraged me to take those extra steps to make my office even better.

So I turned to Ikea.

More Billy bookcases solved the shelving storage problem. I sold off the small writing desk and got two sets of drawers and a long countertop. I purchased a cable-management shelf to hide at least some of the electrical cords away. And after a lot of work with an allen wrench, I’m able to show you the results.

I’m also using the office, so there’s still a fair amount of clutter — but it’s useful clutter, not cramped clutter.

I like the cleaner look, the bright white of my desktop, the way the electrical cords are managed, and the way the view out my window is framed. It feels good to come down to the office and write, rather than temporarily occupy the dining room table.



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