The Writing Life

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It's been a variable winter. While we've had nothing as intense as the previous two winters' polar vortices (fingers crossed), there have been a couple of days where the temperature dipped below the old Farenheit zero, and the kids were brought in from the cold at the start of school. There have been now snow days (again, fingers crossed), but Erin and I have had a chance to use our shovels to clear our driveway.

Erin's been hard at work on her sequel to The Scorpion Rules, and her new writing shed has proven a godsend in meeting deadlines and keeping her focused on her work. You've read about my own office, so things have been going pretty well here too.

So far this year, I've wrapped up a couple of non-fiction science books for kids, as well as edits for Icarus Down. I expect we'll be heading into copy edits shortly, and I look forward to having more to say as we approach the release date.

In the meantime, I've been keeping busy. Tax time is approaching, so I have to gather all of my receipts, make sure the financial records are up to date, and fret a little over how big the bill is going to be. I've also continued to write columns for the Kitchener Post and for the Transit Toronto website. Here's a list:

The Kitchener Post people have also been kind enough to gather my most recent articles in one place, seen here.

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