This post has gone up a bit belatedly, but better that than not at all.
Nora is now eight. Her birthday was celebrated with family at home on April 27, and then with friends on April 30 at the Laurel Creek Nature Centre. Both events were well attended and a good time was had by all. The Nature Centre in particular puts on a good show for party-goers; something about wetland animals like turtles just keeps children enthralled, while delivering a positive message about the environment.
Erin is just in disbelief that our youngest daughter is now eight. As you can see from the pictures, she’s grown up so much, and yet retains much of the look, and some of the actions of her much younger self. She is usually less dramatic and more easy going than her sister, but there is a core of steel inside her, and woe betide anyone who crosses it — or, who wakes it up before it’s good and ready. She loves to smile, but the glares she can deliver can be fearsome, both for their intensity and their cuteness.
She is also taking off in school. She is reading more, and developing a love of mathematics that occasionally leaves us behind as she leaps ahead in making numbers dance. This is something I very much want to keep on fostering.