Happy Holidays

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hhCcwqN9QqGJZHhGvvbe9Q.jpgIt was a good Christmas, I thought. I'd been kind of dreading it because, of course, my mother isn't here. But she probably was in spirit. In the lead-up, there have been stressful times, possibly made more stressful by feeling her absense, but on the day, we had breakfast with Eric and Rosemarie and Michael and we opened presents. We hunkered down against the snow outside and watched television. We had a really nice dinner, again with Michael and Rosemarie. Perhaps we let go of our expectations, and that made things better. For once a bit of a long time, we didn't have deadlines to contend with, or shopping to do. School is two weeks away. And perhaps the weather helped. It can't get more white Christmas than this. There were even snow squalls reducing visibility.

Today is Boxing Day -- or, as we're calling it, "Books-ing Day". The plan is to build a pillow fort in our living room and to have everybody just lounge about and read. Or possibly write. My father-in-law Wendell and his wife Judy are coming over later, after having wisely decided to ride out some snow squalls in Windsor. They spent a lot of their time in Lincoln, but have been in California for years, so their cold weather acumen has probably atrophied. Enjoy the snow, you two!

But as I write this, it is bright and the sky is clear and blue. This is prairie weather, and that's the best kind of weather for a winter morning.

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