Photo above by from Pexels. The title is a quote from the Tori Amos song Tear in your Hand.
It has been a little while since I've been able to talk about the fifth novel I wrote, entitled The Dream King's Daughter. It had been placed on the back burner a bit when Icarus Down leapfrogged it and was bought by Scholastic Canada in 2016. At the same time, The Night Girl also demanded my attention as I submitted it to REUTS Publications.
But it was more than that. After Icarus Down came out, I submitted The Dream King's Daughter to Scholastic Canada and had to sit quietly as the process worked way, as it does. I didn't want to jinx anything. Today, I am pleased to announce that patience has paid off. The contracts have arrived to be signed. Scholastic Canada has officially bought my YA/MG urban fantasy set in rural Saskatchewan.
Aurora Kelso is 15 when she realizes she's been living a dream - literally. Her job waiting tables at a truck stop, her childhood in small-town Saskatchewan, even her name: none of it is real. But the real reality seems to include thunderstorms made out of crows and monsters made out of grocery bags. Aurora's got only one thing going for her: all her life she's been able to read people's dreams by looking them in the eye. Armed with this uncomfortable ability and accompanied by her dream-less friend Polk, Aurora sets off to find her mother, the psychologist who wiped her real memory, and her father, the King of Dreams.
The Dream King's Daughter is tentatively planned for a Fall 2019 release, and I'm expecting to work on edits over the coming spring and summer.