Back When We Could Roam

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It’s only been six weeks, but it seems like a lot longer that I was able to step away from my house and take ground public transit all the way to Boston to ride their MBTA. Here’s a video of the things I saw when I got there on Sunday, February 16.

Today is day (checks notes) twenty of our lockdown. Like the other responsible people in the world we are, where possible, trying to stay home as much as possible. I’ve only been out in the general public once a week or so to get groceries, and it’s interesting seeing what is still in shortage, and where.

In order to get everything I needed to get, I had to go to three stores, unfortunately. My local Sobeys was well stocked up with bread and milk, but was out of flour and, three weeks on, still out of toilet paper. The pasta aisles were also pretty much cleared out, although it’s the flour that I found most worrying. Eleanor has been making use of her time at home baking, and has given us fresh bread on more than one occasion.

The local Shoppers Drug Mart was similar: no toilet paper, and short on eggs. The local Food Basics, however, had eggs, some flour, and toilet paper. They were limiting customers to one package each, but it was still nice to see. And everybody was as calm as on Day 4 of this lockdown, and practising social distancing as much as was possible.

The kids have been troopers, but they’ve been freaked out as much as we’ve been freaked out. Though we don’t always show it, they can tell. And Eleanor confessed that she’s bummed out over how this will almost certainly still be ongoing when we get to her birthday on April 27, and how much is that going to suck?

Well, it is. But maybe we can assuage things by ordering Chinese food for delivery on that day, and making plans for having a fun outing once the restrictions lift. I’m already thinking of where I can go once it is safe to do so. Maybe Calgary and Edmonton for a four-day weekend?

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