Video Essays

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Sometimes I feel that I'm not writing as much as I'd like, beyond what I'm already doing for work. However, I have to remind myself that I am putting at least some of those creative energies into video production. In addition to digitizing and presenting the priceless 50-year-old film material from Richard Glaze (see here), I've been creating transit videos of my own. So, while your appreciation of the material may vary, here's some of the stuff I've recently published, starting with a timelapse video of a streetcar line filmed behind the front window of one such streetcar:

Here's a video of shots I took during an interesting TTC subway shuttle operation last weekend that my friend Damian Baranowski edited and put together:

And here's the latest video I produced from Richard Glaze's material, featuring voice work on my part. I'd like to thank Steve Munro for his help in nailing down the date of these film prints:

And another Richard Glaze production I'm particularly proud of, though maybe not as appropriate for the season:

If you want more, click to Transit Toronto's YouTube Channel. Hopefully I'll be back into some creative writing tomorrow and into this week.

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