As we prepare for the launch of my new YA SF novel The Sun Runners and its companion anthology Tales from the Silence, I've been setting up a series of launch celebrations to help mark and promote this.
We start in Ottawa on the weekend of November 1-3, at Can*Con. I last visited Ottawa's sci-fi, fantasy and horror literature con in 2019 and had a great time, and I'm looking forward to returning and checking out the seminars and other fun gatherings. I'll be signing in the vendor's room at 12:30 p.m. on Saturday, and Bakka-Phoenix will be on hand, with copies of both books for sale. Also, as a number of authors who participated in Tales from the Silence will be in attendance, we're going to have a fun little scavenger hunt. We'll identify the authors in attendance and, if you buy a copy of Tales from the Silence and get those authors to sign beside their stories, the first ones to get a complete set of the authors in attendance will win one of five $20 gift certificates to Bakka-Phoenix. I should note that this independent bookstore has an online component and ships around the world!
As Sunday's convention programming winds down, most of the authors and I will be retiring to the Lieutenant's Pump at 381 Elgin Street for some great food and conversation. We have booked the Sun Room from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. for Sunday dinner and look forward to seeing you there!
On Saturday, November 16, from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m., Bakka-Phoenix bookstore will be hosting us at their location at 84 Harbord Street just west of Spadina Avenue. Again, I'll be there, as will a number of the authors who participated in Tales from the Silence. There will be readings, a Q&A, book signings and more. Bakka-Phoenix will be providing snacks, and we'll all be providing the conversation, so if you're in Toronto that Saturday afternoon, come out to enjoy it all.
Finally, on Saturday, November 23, from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., we've booked the main auditorium of the Waterloo Public Library branch at 35 Albert Street. I'll be on hand along with authors from Tales from the Silence for more readings, Q&A and book signings. Words Worth Books will have books for sale.
Outside of these launch events, a wider scavenger hunt continues. The first person who is able to get every author in Tales from the Silence to autograph their story within the book will win a $100 gift certificate good for Bakka-Phoenix Books. The second prize is a $50 gift certificate to Words Worth Books.
I would like to thank everybody who have helped put these events together, and also everybody who helped put these books together. I think they're really special, and I'm looking forward to releasing them to the world. I hope you like them, and say so in as many venues as possible.