United States Archives
- The True Patriots
- "They're (Not) Eating the Dogs in Springfield!" (or, News Flash: Trump and his supporters are racist!)
- Yesterday
- The Year of Hindsight
- The Last Four Years
- The Most Awkward Car Trip Across America
- Mauve America
- Remarkable Events
- On Facing the News
- Outrage Overload
- When Doves Cry
- Oculus
- How Stupid People Threaten the World
- Remembering
- Two Steps Forward...
- The Rise of Libertarianism
- The Attack of the Narratives
- Marijuana is Legal in Oregon
- Making Method Out of the US Primary Madness
- Arkansas Passes Law to Put Humidifiers and Dehumidifiers in the Same Room to Let Them Duke it Out.
- The Fall of Fred Phelps
- The Hammer to Crack the Peanut
- It's the Tea Party Republicans' Fault
- The Story of the Mall that Committed Suicide
- The Insanity Behind the Gun
- Democracy is Coming to the USA
- You're Flying Mitt Air
- A Question of Marketing
- News You Do Not Want to Print...
- The Media Biases Towards Fear
- Catapults Brought Into War on Drugs
- On the Attempted Assassination of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords
- What They Have. What We Have. What They Could Have
- Yes, You Did
- The Unchristians, Part 2
- Small Observations on America
- On a Failure of School Officials
- Artificial Lightning in Philadelphia
- Handouts to Me is My Right. Handouts to Other People is Wonton Socialism.
- Stupidity in the Health Care Debate
- Regional Differences
- The McDonalds in Bronzeville
- The Upside of Down
- Rick Santelli Thinks Americans are Losers
- Quick Hits - February 23
- The Year of the Red Jelly Bean
- Vivian's third birthday and Halloween
- Canadians Pay Lower Income Taxes Than Americans
- Quick Hits -- September 29
- Gutter Politics and Teenage Sexuality
Ye Olde Parties: 307
The Greens: 1 - Quick Hits -- August 30
- Our Sanctimonious Government
- On Civility and Murder
- The New Conservative Federal Deficit Begins?
- Travel Daze
- Whither Hillary?
- If I Were Hillary Clinton...
- And the Walls Came Tumbling Down
- Democracy Walks
- Nebraskans Now Know What Iowans Feel Like; South Dakotans Still Jealous
- Hmm...
- Remembering the Canary
- I am an Obama Man
- The Protest Process
- The Fall of Fred Phelps?
- The Quintessence of Political Vitriol
Night Girl: 44,608
Plain Kate: 44,611 - The Next Waco or Jonestown?
- There is Writing, and then there is *Writing*
- I'm Just Talking About Washington, Man!
- The Real DC?
- The Icons of Washington
- Hello Pennsylvania, Hello Maryland
- When Chicago is Irish
- What War on Christmas?
- The Marketplace of Ideas Sells us Lemons
- A Bit of Blog Criticism...
- A Bad Month for Conservatives
- Paul Burgess Hates Americans
- The Court Jesters Speak the Truth
- Mayday! Mayday! (Quick Hits for May 1st)
- Writing News
- Quick Hits - January 17
- The UnChristians
- Another to the List of People Whose Hand I Want to Shake
- Ronald Wilson Reagan (1911-2004)
- Driving Advice
- Praying for Texas
- A Canadian Blogger in Virtual Texas
- The Battle of New Orleans
- You're Welcome
- Uh, Oh.
- When the Saints Go Marching In
- Remembering Hurricane Juan
- We are Powerless in the Face of Nature
- Fingers Crossed
- Pray For New Orleans
- Milk: It Does Bilingualism Good
- On the Arrest of Mark Emery
- The War is Over. Let the Struggle Begin.
- Quick Hits, Quick Comments
- Love is Blindness
- Respect the Flag. Allow it to be Burnt.
- The Beauty of America is in its Food
- Late Night
- Where the Bough Breaks (Libertarians vs. Social Conservatives)
- Know Your Opposition
- Eating in America ("I [don't] feel [so] good!").
- The Logic of Intolerance
- Scott Peterson and the American Media
- Summing Up Canada/US Relations
- Standing on the Shoulders of Giants
- Fox News: Utterly Without Merit
- Who is the Greatest American?
- Is This the New Face of the Daleks?
- New Look?
- Towards a National Reconciliation
- Hope For Weston
- How Boston Reversed the Curse?
- Kent Mansley, I Work For The Government...
- Crossfire Gets Blown Away
- Carnival of the Vanities CIX
Canada's Surprising Prosperity III:
Is Taxing Consumption Key? -
Canada's Surprising Prosperity II:
Are Balanced Budgets More Important than Tax Cuts? - Canada's Surprising Prosperity: What's Our Secret?
- Americans Need to Take a Deep Breath II
- Americans Need to Take a Deep Breath
- A Sample of Things I Didn't Know
- "OCAP Setting a Poor Example"
- Surprise! It Changed Nothing.
- Welcome to the Echo Chamber
- The Sadness of Engineers is Knowledge
- Movable Type 3.1 Reviewed
- Intriguing
- God Is On No One's Side in Politics
- Memo to FEMA
- And the Secret Code to Disable the Defence Shield Is... Is... 1-2-3-4-5
- I Predict We're About One Month From the Hair-Pulling, Eye Gouging Stage of the American Election
- We Have Met the Enemy And He Is...
- Four More Years?
- As If the United States Doesn't Have Enough to Worry About...
- Another Thought on Kerry's Acceptance Speech
- The Mechanics of Democracy
- D'Oh!
- The Glorious Paradox that is America
- Before We Were Interrupted...
- Blind Faith in the Face of Facts
- Some Speech is Freer than Others
- It Makes You Want to Shake Someone
- Red Room! Red Room!
- Why the Bush Administration Deserves Defeat V
- Why the Bush Administration Deserves Defeat IV
- Why the Bush Administration Deserves Defeat III
- Why the Bush Administration Deserves Defeat II - Polarizing America
- Why the Bush Administration Deserves Defeat
- Americans Discover Curling
- Line of the Night
- How Dewey Defeated Truman
- New Year Resolutionaries
- Last Night I Had the Strangest Dream...
- Farewell 2003
- A Night on the Town
- What Friends Are For
- Tech Drooling and More
- Juliet is Bleeding
- Izzy Asper Dead at 71
- Fear of Dishevelled Strangers
- Reptilian Kitten-Eaters are People Too!
- The Moment I Realized I'd Left Reality and Was Now a Resident of Cloudcookooland III
- Two Years Ago Today
- Notes on my Desk
- The Horror of McDonalds in New Orleans
- Did they Listen to my Review?
- Random Points for August 24
- Coming Out of the Deep Freeze
- Hoo Boy, Our New Moron:
- If You Think Smoking is Hazardous to Your Health...
- We're All a Bunch of Morons!!
- Do You Know What You Are Doing?
- Bush and the Remnants of Lili
- I remember.
- In Ann Arbor, Now
- Happy 135th Birthday, Canada
- This Place is Cursed! No, really, it is!