United States Archives

  1. The True Patriots
  2. "They're (Not) Eating the Dogs in Springfield!" (or, News Flash: Trump and his supporters are racist!)
  3. Yesterday
  4. The Year of Hindsight
  5. The Last Four Years
  6. The Most Awkward Car Trip Across America
  7. Mauve America
  8. Remarkable Events
  9. On Facing the News
  10. Outrage Overload
  11. When Doves Cry
  12. Oculus
  13. How Stupid People Threaten the World
  14. Remembering
  15. Two Steps Forward...
  16. The Rise of Libertarianism
  17. The Attack of the Narratives
  18. Marijuana is Legal in Oregon
  19. Making Method Out of the US Primary Madness
  20. Arkansas Passes Law to Put Humidifiers and Dehumidifiers in the Same Room to Let Them Duke it Out.
  21. The Fall of Fred Phelps
  22. The Hammer to Crack the Peanut
  23. It's the Tea Party Republicans' Fault
  24. The Story of the Mall that Committed Suicide
  25. The Insanity Behind the Gun
  26. Democracy is Coming to the USA
  27. You're Flying Mitt Air
  28. A Question of Marketing
  29. News You Do Not Want to Print...
  30. The Media Biases Towards Fear
  31. Catapults Brought Into War on Drugs
  32. On the Attempted Assassination of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords
  33. What They Have. What We Have. What They Could Have
  34. Yes, You Did
  35. The Unchristians, Part 2
  36. Small Observations on America
  37. On a Failure of School Officials
  38. Artificial Lightning in Philadelphia
  39. Handouts to Me is My Right. Handouts to Other People is Wonton Socialism.
  40. Stupidity in the Health Care Debate
  41. Regional Differences
  42. The McDonalds in Bronzeville
  43. The Upside of Down
  44. Rick Santelli Thinks Americans are Losers
  45. Quick Hits - February 23
  46. The Year of the Red Jelly Bean
  47. Vivian's third birthday and Halloween
  48. Canadians Pay Lower Income Taxes Than Americans
  49. Quick Hits -- September 29
  50. Gutter Politics and Teenage Sexuality
  51. Ye Olde Parties: 307
    The Greens: 1
  52. Quick Hits -- August 30
  53. Our Sanctimonious Government
  54. On Civility and Murder
  55. The New Conservative Federal Deficit Begins?
  56. Travel Daze
  57. Whither Hillary?
  58. If I Were Hillary Clinton...
  59. And the Walls Came Tumbling Down
  60. Democracy Walks
  61. Nebraskans Now Know What Iowans Feel Like; South Dakotans Still Jealous
  62. Hmm...
  63. Remembering the Canary
  64. I am an Obama Man
  65. The Protest Process
  66. The Fall of Fred Phelps?
  67. The Quintessence of Political Vitriol
  68. Night Girl: 44,608
    Plain Kate: 44,611
  69. The Next Waco or Jonestown?
  70. There is Writing, and then there is *Writing*
  71. I'm Just Talking About Washington, Man!
  72. The Real DC?
  73. The Icons of Washington
  74. Hello Pennsylvania, Hello Maryland
  75. When Chicago is Irish
  76. What War on Christmas?
  77. The Marketplace of Ideas Sells us Lemons
  78. A Bit of Blog Criticism...
  79. A Bad Month for Conservatives
  80. Paul Burgess Hates Americans
  81. The Court Jesters Speak the Truth
  82. Mayday! Mayday! (Quick Hits for May 1st)
  83. Writing News
  84. Quick Hits - January 17
  85. The UnChristians
  86. Another to the List of People Whose Hand I Want to Shake
  87. Ronald Wilson Reagan (1911-2004)
  88. Driving Advice
  89. Praying for Texas
  90. A Canadian Blogger in Virtual Texas
  91. The Battle of New Orleans
  92. You're Welcome
  93. Uh, Oh.
  94. When the Saints Go Marching In
  95. Remembering Hurricane Juan
  96. We are Powerless in the Face of Nature
  97. Fingers Crossed
  98. Pray For New Orleans
  99. Milk: It Does Bilingualism Good
  100. On the Arrest of Mark Emery
  101. The War is Over. Let the Struggle Begin.
  102. Quick Hits, Quick Comments
  103. Love is Blindness
  104. Respect the Flag. Allow it to be Burnt.
  105. The Beauty of America is in its Food
  106. Late Night
  107. Where the Bough Breaks (Libertarians vs. Social Conservatives)
  108. Know Your Opposition
  109. Eating in America ("I [don't] feel [so] good!").
  110. The Logic of Intolerance
  111. Scott Peterson and the American Media
  112. Summing Up Canada/US Relations
  113. Standing on the Shoulders of Giants
  114. Fox News: Utterly Without Merit
  115. Who is the Greatest American?
  116. Is This the New Face of the Daleks?
  117. New Look?
  118. Towards a National Reconciliation
  119. Hope For Weston
  120. How Boston Reversed the Curse?
  121. Kent Mansley, I Work For The Government...
  122. Crossfire Gets Blown Away
  123. Carnival of the Vanities CIX
  124. Canada's Surprising Prosperity III:
    Is Taxing Consumption Key?
  125. Canada's Surprising Prosperity II:
    Are Balanced Budgets More Important than Tax Cuts?
  126. Canada's Surprising Prosperity: What's Our Secret?
  127. Americans Need to Take a Deep Breath II
  128. Americans Need to Take a Deep Breath
  129. A Sample of Things I Didn't Know
  130. "OCAP Setting a Poor Example"
  131. Surprise! It Changed Nothing.
  132. Welcome to the Echo Chamber
  133. The Sadness of Engineers is Knowledge
  134. Movable Type 3.1 Reviewed
  135. Intriguing
  136. God Is On No One's Side in Politics
  137. Memo to FEMA
  138. And the Secret Code to Disable the Defence Shield Is... Is... 1-2-3-4-5
  139. I Predict We're About One Month From the Hair-Pulling, Eye Gouging Stage of the American Election
  140. We Have Met the Enemy And He Is...
  141. Four More Years?
  142. As If the United States Doesn't Have Enough to Worry About...
  143. Another Thought on Kerry's Acceptance Speech
  144. The Mechanics of Democracy
  145. D'Oh!
  146. The Glorious Paradox that is America
  147. Before We Were Interrupted...
  148. Blind Faith in the Face of Facts
  149. Some Speech is Freer than Others
  150. It Makes You Want to Shake Someone
  151. Red Room! Red Room!
  152. Why the Bush Administration Deserves Defeat V
  153. Why the Bush Administration Deserves Defeat IV
  154. Why the Bush Administration Deserves Defeat III
  155. Why the Bush Administration Deserves Defeat II - Polarizing America
  156. Why the Bush Administration Deserves Defeat
  157. Americans Discover Curling
  158. Line of the Night
  159. How Dewey Defeated Truman
  160. New Year Resolutionaries
  161. Last Night I Had the Strangest Dream...
  162. Farewell 2003
  163. A Night on the Town
  164. What Friends Are For
  165. Tech Drooling and More
  166. Juliet is Bleeding
  167. Izzy Asper Dead at 71
  168. Fear of Dishevelled Strangers
  169. Reptilian Kitten-Eaters are People Too!
  170. The Moment I Realized I'd Left Reality and Was Now a Resident of Cloudcookooland III
  171. Two Years Ago Today
  172. Notes on my Desk
  173. The Horror of McDonalds in New Orleans
  174. Did they Listen to my Review?
  175. Random Points for August 24
  176. Coming Out of the Deep Freeze
  177. Hoo Boy, Our New Moron:
  178. If You Think Smoking is Hazardous to Your Health...
  179. We're All a Bunch of Morons!!
  180. Do You Know What You Are Doing?
  181. Bush and the Remnants of Lili
  182. I remember.
  183. In Ann Arbor, Now
  184. Happy 135th Birthday, Canada
  185. This Place is Cursed! No, really, it is!