Writing Archives

  1. My 2024 Awards Eligibility Post
  2. November Ends
  3. Happy Belated Book Birthday to Me!
  4. The Sun Runners/Tales from the Silence November Launch Celebrations
  5. They Are Here, by Erin Bow (Fiction Special)
  6. Back to the Blog
  7. Is There Anybody Out There?
  8. Video Creative
  9. Creativity and Working Around Ablest Language
  10. On Writing and 2022
  11. Chris Boucher (1943-2022)
  12. Remembering Mike Filey
  13. Video Essays
  14. Space Colonies Group Chat, 2151 CE
  15. Launching this September: The Night Girl
  16. Red Maple Nomination
  17. Books 49, 50, 51, and 52
  18. Ups and Downs
  19. I'm getting tired of still having to deal with this crud...
  20. The Return of Amazing Stories
  21. Hanging Out With the Dream King
    The Dream King's Daughter Becomes My Sixth Published Novel
  22. On the Need for an Integrated Transit Plan
    Part 1: Expand the Inter-City Bus Network
  23. Contemplating Failure, Seven Years Later
  24. One Year Later
  25. Remembering When Ontario Was an Oil Power
  26. Books #43, 44, 45, 46, 47 and 48
  27. The Places Where We Remember
  28. Good Places to Write in Toronto - The UPStairs Lounge
  29. Off to Ottawa
  30. The Anti Cookie Monster
  31. On the Death of VIA Rail
  32. On Pockets
  33. On Ontario's Reinventing the Wheel
  34. Canada's connection to the past is being degraded
  35. On Meeting Gordon Korman
  36. The Curator of Forgotten Things Goes Shopping
  37. On Kitchener in Bloom
  38. End the Agreement
  39. Fixing Fixed Incomes
  40. Where the Wasps Were
  41. It's important to stand up for the truth
  42. The Porcelain Anniversary
  43. How Stupid People Threaten the World
  44. Books #39, 40, 41 and 42
  45. Many, Many Thank Yous
  46. It's the Little Things that Count...
  47. The Chastened Society
    Or, What is Reverse Steampunk?
  48. Another Column From the Post...
  49. Latest Columns
  50. On Bakka-Phoenix Books and the Life Long Passion
  51. The Blue Fireman
  52. The Attack of the Narratives
  53. Dedication
  54. Run, Boy, Run!
    The Sun Runners Soundtrack
  55. Smile If You're Riding Minnesota's LRT
  56. Welcome, Swan Riders!
  57. Happiness is a Cold Nose
  58. Of Buses and Streetcars
  59. Books #36 & 37
  60. The Writing Life
  61. Brand Extension
    A Short Harry Potter Fan Fic
  62. Desk Photographs
  63. Author Photographs
  64. Things I've Written Lately
  65. The Guy and the Girl Who Lived...
  66. Books 33, 34 & 35
  67. Things I've Written Lately
  68. Farewell to the Office
  69. Post #3000
  70. Smellorama
  71. Ex Machina, What I'm Writing, and Things
  72. The Mystery of the Missing Water
  73. Just Remember that Somebody Had to Consider the Possibilities
  74. Throne of Scorpions
    Erin Bow's The Scorpion Rules Cover Revealed
  75. My Thoughts on the Plot of Frozen Fever
  76. The Art of Scorpions
  77. Thirteen Years Ago Today
  78. Books 26, 27 and 28
  79. On a Life Turned Somewhat Upside Down
  80. Just What Cats Need...
  81. The Last Two Weeks of Summer
  82. Assorted Thoughts on a Sunday Morning.
  83. Ruth Graham is Embarrassed that You Like Young Adult Novels So Much.
  84. Descendant of the Dinosaurs
  85. Cue Angry E-mails In 3... 2... 1... Ah, here we go...
  86. Updates for May
  87. My Birthday, the Universe and Everything
  88. You've Come a Long Way, Baby!
  89. The Curator of Forgotten Things
  90. Why, Thank You!
  91. Big and Little
    The Time of the Doctor Reviewed
  92. "Giant Inflatable Santas Unite Neighbourhood's Christmas Spirit"...
  93. Maple Blossoms, by Vivian
  94. Power
  95. Fall Deepens
  96. Blue Sun, by Vivian Bow
  97. What I've Been Writing Lately - Fall Equinox Edition
  98. The Thrill of Embarrassment
  99. The Beach at the End of the Line
  100. What I've Been Writing Lately
  101. An Educational Toy
  102. This Blog is Not Abandoned
  103. A Poem
  104. In the Sun
  105. Jealousy
  106. Someone is Watching Me
  107. Hulk vs. She Hulk
  108. The Forgotten Tax Number
  109. The Things that Pop In My Head
  110. Whither Self-Publishing (and Fan Fiction)
  111. Six Books Down, Two to Go
  112. How to Write Four Books in a Month
  113. News
  114. Nocturnal Revisions
  115. Nocturnal Adaptations
  116. The Waiting Game
  117. So Big, and Yet So Small
  118. The Man I Was II
  119. Echoes and Fingerprints
  120. And Now For a Little Cross-Promotion
  121. News You Do Not Want to Print...
  122. Having breakfast at the corner of King and Dufferin.
  123. Attack of the Zombie Lego Hordes!
  124. A Groundhog Day Resolution
  125. The Ballet Dancer and the Karate Kid
  126. The Year of Anticipation
  127. Monday Happenings
  128. Coffee Communities
  129. Irons in the Fire
  130. Reputable Since...?
  131. Tick Tock Goes The Clock...
  132. Brevity's Soulful Wit
  133. An Inspiration For Icarus Down
  134. Plain Kate Wins the TD Canadian Children's Literature Award
  135. The Parliamentary Trains
  136. A New Identity
  137. Erin's Good Week (In Spite of Strep Throat)
  138. The Names of Things V
    When Isaac Became Simon, and Vice Versa
  139. Contemplating Failure
  140. Thank You Centennial
  141. The Seeds of Doom: Doctor Who's Best Thump
  142. Schadenfreude Pie, Schadenfreude Pie...
  143. Um... Who's Driving? (The Story, I Mean)
  144. Why I like Scrivener
  145. The Other Bow Book Release
  146. On the Latest Dispatch by Fred "No Fun" Phelps
  147. I am Supporting Impoverished School Libraries in California
  148. The Parent Trap
    (Why there are so few Parents in YA Literature)
  149. On Rule 34
  150. Patricia Wrightson (1921-2010)
  151. South of Union
  152. The Best Places to Write in Waterloo Region
  153. It Was One of Those Mornings...
  154. Shortcuts to Success
  155. The Nightmare Queen
  156. The Best Places to Write in Toronto
  157. The Year of the Red Jellybean
  158. Artificial Lightning in Philadelphia
  159. Vivian Katherine's Fourth Birthday
  160. The Zombie Handkerchief
  161. Behind the Scenes in Toronto's Financial District
  162. How to Write a Book in Ten Days
  163. Writing Update From Lincoln
  164. Towards a New Point of View
  165. "The Dream King's Daughter" and "Plain Kate" Win Major Ontario Arts Council Grants
  166. The Aftermath of Creativity
  167. The Geography of Storytelling
  168. Wrestling with Glorfindel II: Three Makes a Crowd
  169. Thank you Rockway!
  170. Quick Hits - February 23
  171. Mustang Pride
  172. On Researching Historicals
  173. Works in Progress
  174. WAHOO!!!
  175. What I'm working on...
  176. Why Does Improving a Story So Often Involve Grievious Bodily Harm to the Characters?
  177. If I Had a Million Dollars...
  178. Book Blogger Appreciation Week
  179. Wrestling With Glorfindel
  180. Preparing for Eden Mills and The Young City
  181. Planning Out My Next Few Months
  182. Terrorism in Toronto's Subway... in 1985
  183. The Secret Prudes
  184. Bohemian Renaissance
  185. Driving Through a Winter Wonderland
  186. On Political Venom, Part II
  187. I'll See Your Meme, and Raise You One
  188. How to Write a Book in 19 Days
  189. Heading to the OLA Super Conference
  190. Top Ten Signs You're Reading Something by James Bow
  191. Carousel
  192. Sex! In! Spaaaace!
  193. The War on the Holidays
  194. A Travelling Man (HA!)
  195. What's the Word? And What's Next?
  196. Movable Type 4.0 Reviewed
  197. A Writer's Interlude
  198. Mackerel Skies
  199. Working Madly
  200. The Baby Pictures Still Exist
  201. I Have Coldplay in my Pants!
  202. On the Town of Boone, Iowa
  203. Bizarre.
  204. A Question of Anonymity
  205. Quick Hits - May 25
  206. Waterloo-Wellington Blogstravaganza Invitation
  207. I'm Just Talking About Washington, Man!
  208. What if Steve Jobs was President... or, What if the President was Steve Jobs
  209. Quick Hits - March 8
  210. Love Your Characters (or The Unwritten Books: Where Do We Go From Here)
  211. Portrait in Bubble
  212. Doctor Who is Back!
  213. The Night Girl Passes 20,000 Words
  214. All I Want for Christmas is...
  215. In Conversation with Kenneth Oppel
  216. Fairy Tales in Secret
  217. What the Founding Fathers Were Thinking
  218. The National To-Do List IV: Electoral Reform.
  219. Vivian Katherine's First Birthday
  220. The Night Girl, the Next Morning
  221. Jorane: The You and the Now
  222. The State of Waterloo's Economy
  223. Suddenly, I'm a Blogging Expert
  224. Driving Airport Road (Mono Road)
  225. The Kids Are All Right
  226. Making Water Bloom in the Desert
  227. Under Construction (and a Meme to Tide Us Over)
  228. The Unwritten Buzz
  229. Worth Commenting On
  230. Toner Memories
  231. On Canadian Coffee, and the Other Tim's
  232. Mayday! Mayday! (Quick Hits for May 1st)
  233. Jane Jacobs (1916-2006)
  234. Greyfields Illustrated
  235. Three Restaurants
  236. Credit to Other Writers
  237. Erin Reads at the Brantford Armouries
  238. Writing News
  239. Four Years of Blogging
  240. Four on the Floor!
  241. Smart (Alec) Cards
  242. Fun Election Tool
  243. The Missing Placesetting
  244. In Between Dirty Diapers
  245. 23 + 5 = ?
  246. Brilliant!
  247. The Hurricanes Go Greek
  248. The Poor Woman of the Ikea Parking Lot
  249. What's the Word?
  250. Isis of the Check Out Line
  251. Interesting Tidbits
  252. More Writing Progress
  253. You're Welcome
  254. Remembering Hurricane Juan
  255. The $1L Gas Problem (Like the Y2K problem, except with gas)
  256. The Passing of King Fahd
  257. Canada: The Manual
  258. Aw, Crap!
  259. Postcards from the Dead
  260. Best. Field Trip. Ever.
  261. Speed Bumps Ahead
  262. At the CMPA Conference in the Old Mill
  263. The Barons of Suburbia
  264. A Toronto Oddity?
  265. Tim Horton Wins
  266. Ideas that come in the night that, in the cold light of day, make you glad you don't own a juicer:
  267. Writing Update
  268. A Safe Bet
  269. April Fools III
  270. Sitting by a Coffee at the King Charlotte Timothys
  271. Revelation
  272. What I'm Working On
  273. Living on my Writing.
  274. Irons in the Fire
  275. Things Are Not Slowing Down, Though They Seem to Be...
  276. Fads As Only Schools Can Form
  277. How to Act Like An Opposition Party
  278. Kent Mansley, I Work For The Government...
  279. The Day I Went to Sleep
  280. Workshopping Sealwife
  281. Things You Don't Expect to See Reported in the Toronto Media
  282. New Orleans is in Play
  283. Plot, Subplot, Superplot
  284. And the Secret Code to Disable the Defence Shield Is... Is... 1-2-3-4-5
  285. Writing Thoughts
  286. More Visitations
  287. Tallying Your Winnings
  288. Follow Ups
  289. Answering Google's Questions
  290. Unfortunate Connotations
  291. Cool James Koole
  292. She Needs to Talk
  293. New Year Resolutionaries
  294. Fairy Tales in Secret
  295. Grace (and Writing) Under Pressure
  296. She Rode Into My Life on a Tricycle
  297. Most Palestinians are Civilians Too
  298. Why Proofreading Is Hard
  299. Nothing Here to Fear
  300. I Write Like a Girl!
  301. Writing For Coffee II
  302. A Character Meme With Audience Participation
  303. I Like the Sound That Rain Makes
  304. Writing for Coffee
  305. The Moment I Realized I'd Left Reality and Was Now a Resident of Cloudcookooland II
  306. Sitting in the Starbucks of Chapters Waterloo
  307. In the Food Court of the St. Jacobs Factory Outlet Mall, One Saturday Afternoon
  308. Sitting in Krispy Kreme, After Stopping at the Bank
  309. In the Food Court of Kitchener's Market Square, Before the Morning Shift - II
  310. How Old Are You?
  311. In the Food Court of Kitchener's Market Square, Before the Morning Shift
  312. What Do Your Characters Carry?
  313. An Interesting Literary Award
  314. Assorted Questions for May Day / Writing and Birthdays
  315. A Barn Can Have a Horse in it.
  316. All of Us Were Scared...
  317. The Joys of Spring / Why Fantasy is Written
  318. Trenchcoats and Wish Lists / Science Fiction and Fantasy's Clashing Toolkits
  319. Science Fiction and Fantasy Come With Their Own Toolkit
  320. April Fools II
  321. The Sound of Silence
  322. I Feel Most Like Zeus When...
  323. The Path of Creation
  324. Writing Secret #421
  325. Writing News (Not Mine)
  326. At Sunset in a Nameless Town
  327. Building a Universe From Scratch
  328. The Boundary Between the Beginning and the Middle
  329. Aftshadowing
  330. What Makes Toronto a Good City
  331. Sunday Writing Quiz
  332. When Metaphors Attack!
  333. Pringles, Spam and Books
  334. Place and Mood
  335. The Purpose of Free Writing
  336. We Weren't Supposed to Go There
  337. Friday Five on TV
  338. My can of Coca-Cola is red.
  339. Words With Just One Beat
  340. Thanksgiving in October
  341. Words on a Friday Afternoon
  342. Another Letter From the Emperor!
  343. The Weekend and This Week
  344. You Want to Write? Read.
  345. And Now For Our Sponsor... A Talentless Hack
  346. It's Getting Better All the Time
  347. Boys of Summer
  348. Apologies
  349. Still Writing. Still Cleaning.
  350. Blogs About Fiction? Meet Fictional Blogs
  351. Saturday Six
  352. Toronto Trip and the Trillium Awards
  353. There's This Book I Haven't Written Yet
  354. Fiction Saturday
  355. April Fools!
  356. Gel Pens
  357. Writing Longhand
  358. We've Got Balls
  359. Dan Kukwa and Writing in Bronte