Writing Archives
- My 2024 Awards Eligibility Post
- November Ends
- Happy Belated Book Birthday to Me!
- The Sun Runners/Tales from the Silence November Launch Celebrations
- They Are Here, by Erin Bow (Fiction Special)
- Back to the Blog
- Is There Anybody Out There?
- Video Creative
- Creativity and Working Around Ablest Language
- On Writing and 2022
- Chris Boucher (1943-2022)
- Remembering Mike Filey
- Video Essays
- Space Colonies Group Chat, 2151 CE
- Launching this September: The Night Girl
- Red Maple Nomination
- Books 49, 50, 51, and 52
- Ups and Downs
- I'm getting tired of still having to deal with this crud...
- The Return of Amazing Stories
Hanging Out With the Dream King
The Dream King's Daughter Becomes My Sixth Published Novel -
On the Need for an Integrated Transit Plan
Part 1: Expand the Inter-City Bus Network - Contemplating Failure, Seven Years Later
- One Year Later
- Remembering When Ontario Was an Oil Power
- Books #43, 44, 45, 46, 47 and 48
- The Places Where We Remember
- Good Places to Write in Toronto - The UPStairs Lounge
- Off to Ottawa
- The Anti Cookie Monster
- On the Death of VIA Rail
- On Pockets
- On Ontario's Reinventing the Wheel
- Canada's connection to the past is being degraded
- On Meeting Gordon Korman
- The Curator of Forgotten Things Goes Shopping
- On Kitchener in Bloom
- End the Agreement
- Fixing Fixed Incomes
- Where the Wasps Were
- It's important to stand up for the truth
- The Porcelain Anniversary
- How Stupid People Threaten the World
- Books #39, 40, 41 and 42
- Many, Many Thank Yous
- It's the Little Things that Count...
The Chastened Society
Or, What is Reverse Steampunk? - Another Column From the Post...
- Latest Columns
- On Bakka-Phoenix Books and the Life Long Passion
- The Blue Fireman
- The Attack of the Narratives
- Dedication
Run, Boy, Run!
The Sun Runners Soundtrack - Smile If You're Riding Minnesota's LRT
- Welcome, Swan Riders!
- Happiness is a Cold Nose
- Of Buses and Streetcars
- Books #36 & 37
- The Writing Life
Brand Extension
A Short Harry Potter Fan Fic - Desk Photographs
- Author Photographs
- Things I've Written Lately
- The Guy and the Girl Who Lived...
- Books 33, 34 & 35
- Things I've Written Lately
- Farewell to the Office
- Post #3000
- Smellorama
- Ex Machina, What I'm Writing, and Things
- The Mystery of the Missing Water
- Just Remember that Somebody Had to Consider the Possibilities
Throne of Scorpions
Erin Bow's The Scorpion Rules Cover Revealed - My Thoughts on the Plot of Frozen Fever
- The Art of Scorpions
- Thirteen Years Ago Today
- Books 26, 27 and 28
- On a Life Turned Somewhat Upside Down
- Just What Cats Need...
- The Last Two Weeks of Summer
- Assorted Thoughts on a Sunday Morning.
- Ruth Graham is Embarrassed that You Like Young Adult Novels So Much.
- Descendant of the Dinosaurs
- Cue Angry E-mails In 3... 2... 1... Ah, here we go...
- Updates for May
- My Birthday, the Universe and Everything
- You've Come a Long Way, Baby!
- The Curator of Forgotten Things
- Why, Thank You!
Big and Little
The Time of the Doctor Reviewed - "Giant Inflatable Santas Unite Neighbourhood's Christmas Spirit"...
- Maple Blossoms, by Vivian
- Power
- Fall Deepens
- Blue Sun, by Vivian Bow
- What I've Been Writing Lately - Fall Equinox Edition
- The Thrill of Embarrassment
- The Beach at the End of the Line
- What I've Been Writing Lately
- An Educational Toy
- This Blog is Not Abandoned
- A Poem
- In the Sun
- Jealousy
- Someone is Watching Me
- Hulk vs. She Hulk
- The Forgotten Tax Number
- The Things that Pop In My Head
- Whither Self-Publishing (and Fan Fiction)
- Six Books Down, Two to Go
- How to Write Four Books in a Month
- News
- Nocturnal Revisions
- Nocturnal Adaptations
- The Waiting Game
- So Big, and Yet So Small
- The Man I Was II
- Echoes and Fingerprints
- And Now For a Little Cross-Promotion
- News You Do Not Want to Print...
- Having breakfast at the corner of King and Dufferin.
- Attack of the Zombie Lego Hordes!
- A Groundhog Day Resolution
- The Ballet Dancer and the Karate Kid
- The Year of Anticipation
- Monday Happenings
- Coffee Communities
- Irons in the Fire
- Reputable Since...?
- Tick Tock Goes The Clock...
- Brevity's Soulful Wit
- An Inspiration For Icarus Down
- Plain Kate Wins the TD Canadian Children's Literature Award
- The Parliamentary Trains
- A New Identity
- Erin's Good Week (In Spite of Strep Throat)
The Names of Things V
When Isaac Became Simon, and Vice Versa - Contemplating Failure
- Thank You Centennial
- The Seeds of Doom: Doctor Who's Best Thump
- Schadenfreude Pie, Schadenfreude Pie...
- Um... Who's Driving? (The Story, I Mean)
- Why I like Scrivener
- The Other Bow Book Release
- On the Latest Dispatch by Fred "No Fun" Phelps
- I am Supporting Impoverished School Libraries in California
The Parent Trap
(Why there are so few Parents in YA Literature) - On Rule 34
- Patricia Wrightson (1921-2010)
- South of Union
- The Best Places to Write in Waterloo Region
- It Was One of Those Mornings...
- Shortcuts to Success
- The Nightmare Queen
- The Best Places to Write in Toronto
- The Year of the Red Jellybean
- Artificial Lightning in Philadelphia
- Vivian Katherine's Fourth Birthday
- The Zombie Handkerchief
- Behind the Scenes in Toronto's Financial District
- How to Write a Book in Ten Days
- Writing Update From Lincoln
- Towards a New Point of View
- "The Dream King's Daughter" and "Plain Kate" Win Major Ontario Arts Council Grants
- The Aftermath of Creativity
- The Geography of Storytelling
- Wrestling with Glorfindel II: Three Makes a Crowd
- Thank you Rockway!
- Quick Hits - February 23
- Mustang Pride
- On Researching Historicals
- Works in Progress
- WAHOO!!!
- What I'm working on...
- Why Does Improving a Story So Often Involve Grievious Bodily Harm to the Characters?
- If I Had a Million Dollars...
- Book Blogger Appreciation Week
- Wrestling With Glorfindel
- Preparing for Eden Mills and The Young City
- Planning Out My Next Few Months
- Terrorism in Toronto's Subway... in 1985
- The Secret Prudes
- Bohemian Renaissance
- Driving Through a Winter Wonderland
- On Political Venom, Part II
- I'll See Your Meme, and Raise You One
- How to Write a Book in 19 Days
- Heading to the OLA Super Conference
- Top Ten Signs You're Reading Something by James Bow
- Carousel
- Sex! In! Spaaaace!
- The War on the Holidays
- A Travelling Man (HA!)
- What's the Word? And What's Next?
- Movable Type 4.0 Reviewed
- A Writer's Interlude
- Mackerel Skies
- Working Madly
- The Baby Pictures Still Exist
- I Have Coldplay in my Pants!
- On the Town of Boone, Iowa
- Bizarre.
- A Question of Anonymity
- Quick Hits - May 25
- Waterloo-Wellington Blogstravaganza Invitation
- I'm Just Talking About Washington, Man!
- What if Steve Jobs was President... or, What if the President was Steve Jobs
- Quick Hits - March 8
- Love Your Characters (or The Unwritten Books: Where Do We Go From Here)
- Portrait in Bubble
- Doctor Who is Back!
- The Night Girl Passes 20,000 Words
- All I Want for Christmas is...
- In Conversation with Kenneth Oppel
- Fairy Tales in Secret
- What the Founding Fathers Were Thinking
- The National To-Do List IV: Electoral Reform.
- Vivian Katherine's First Birthday
- The Night Girl, the Next Morning
- Jorane: The You and the Now
- The State of Waterloo's Economy
- Suddenly, I'm a Blogging Expert
- Driving Airport Road (Mono Road)
- The Kids Are All Right
- Making Water Bloom in the Desert
- Under Construction (and a Meme to Tide Us Over)
- The Unwritten Buzz
- Worth Commenting On
- Toner Memories
- On Canadian Coffee, and the Other Tim's
- Mayday! Mayday! (Quick Hits for May 1st)
- Jane Jacobs (1916-2006)
- Greyfields Illustrated
- Three Restaurants
- Credit to Other Writers
- Erin Reads at the Brantford Armouries
- Writing News
- Four Years of Blogging
- Four on the Floor!
- Smart (Alec) Cards
- Fun Election Tool
- The Missing Placesetting
- In Between Dirty Diapers
- 23 + 5 = ?
- Brilliant!
- The Hurricanes Go Greek
- The Poor Woman of the Ikea Parking Lot
- What's the Word?
- Isis of the Check Out Line
- Interesting Tidbits
- More Writing Progress
- You're Welcome
- Remembering Hurricane Juan
- The $1L Gas Problem (Like the Y2K problem, except with gas)
- The Passing of King Fahd
- Canada: The Manual
- Aw, Crap!
- Postcards from the Dead
- Best. Field Trip. Ever.
- Speed Bumps Ahead
- At the CMPA Conference in the Old Mill
- The Barons of Suburbia
- A Toronto Oddity?
- Tim Horton Wins
- Ideas that come in the night that, in the cold light of day, make you glad you don't own a juicer:
- Writing Update
- A Safe Bet
- April Fools III
- Sitting by a Coffee at the King Charlotte Timothys
- Revelation
- What I'm Working On
- Living on my Writing.
- Irons in the Fire
- Things Are Not Slowing Down, Though They Seem to Be...
- Fads As Only Schools Can Form
- How to Act Like An Opposition Party
- Kent Mansley, I Work For The Government...
- The Day I Went to Sleep
- Workshopping Sealwife
- Things You Don't Expect to See Reported in the Toronto Media
- New Orleans is in Play
- Plot, Subplot, Superplot
- And the Secret Code to Disable the Defence Shield Is... Is... 1-2-3-4-5
- Writing Thoughts
- More Visitations
- Tallying Your Winnings
- Follow Ups
- Answering Google's Questions
- Unfortunate Connotations
- Cool James Koole
- She Needs to Talk
- New Year Resolutionaries
- Fairy Tales in Secret
- Grace (and Writing) Under Pressure
- She Rode Into My Life on a Tricycle
- Most Palestinians are Civilians Too
- Why Proofreading Is Hard
- Nothing Here to Fear
- I Write Like a Girl!
- Writing For Coffee II
- A Character Meme With Audience Participation
- I Like the Sound That Rain Makes
- Writing for Coffee
- The Moment I Realized I'd Left Reality and Was Now a Resident of Cloudcookooland II
- Sitting in the Starbucks of Chapters Waterloo
- In the Food Court of the St. Jacobs Factory Outlet Mall, One Saturday Afternoon
- Sitting in Krispy Kreme, After Stopping at the Bank
- In the Food Court of Kitchener's Market Square, Before the Morning Shift - II
- How Old Are You?
- In the Food Court of Kitchener's Market Square, Before the Morning Shift
- What Do Your Characters Carry?
- An Interesting Literary Award
- Assorted Questions for May Day / Writing and Birthdays
- A Barn Can Have a Horse in it.
- All of Us Were Scared...
- The Joys of Spring / Why Fantasy is Written
- Trenchcoats and Wish Lists / Science Fiction and Fantasy's Clashing Toolkits
- Science Fiction and Fantasy Come With Their Own Toolkit
- April Fools II
- The Sound of Silence
- I Feel Most Like Zeus When...
- The Path of Creation
- Writing Secret #421
- Writing News (Not Mine)
- At Sunset in a Nameless Town
- Building a Universe From Scratch
- The Boundary Between the Beginning and the Middle
- Aftshadowing
- What Makes Toronto a Good City
- Sunday Writing Quiz
- When Metaphors Attack!
- Pringles, Spam and Books
- Place and Mood
- The Purpose of Free Writing
- We Weren't Supposed to Go There
- Friday Five on TV
- My can of Coca-Cola is red.
- Words With Just One Beat
- Thanksgiving in October
- Words on a Friday Afternoon
- Another Letter From the Emperor!
- The Weekend and This Week
- You Want to Write? Read.
- And Now For Our Sponsor... A Talentless Hack
- It's Getting Better All the Time
- Boys of Summer
- Apologies
- Still Writing. Still Cleaning.
- Blogs About Fiction? Meet Fictional Blogs
- Saturday Six
- Toronto Trip and the Trillium Awards
- There's This Book I Haven't Written Yet
- Fiction Saturday
- April Fools!
- Gel Pens
- Writing Longhand
- We've Got Balls
- Dan Kukwa and Writing in Bronte