Rosemary and Peter Series Archives

  1. Dedication
  2. Run, Boy, Run!
    The Sun Runners Soundtrack
  3. The Man I Was - IV
  4. What Made Me Smile Today
  5. The Man I Was
  6. The Names of Things V
    When Isaac Became Simon, and Vice Versa
  7. Contemplating Failure
  8. The Unwritten Girl and The Young City Now Available as eBooks
  9. On Sexuality in 1884
  10. Where I am Today (metaphorically speaking)
  11. The Geography of Storytelling
  12. And Thank You Waterloo
  13. Thank you Toronto!
  14. Cold City. Warm Heart.
  15. Slowly Starting 2009
  16. The Trilogy Completes: The Young City Arrives
  17. The Young City Launch Events Set for Ottawa, Toronto, and Waterloo Region
  18. What's the Word in 2008?
  19. Eden Mills Weathers the Storm
  20. Preparing for Eden Mills and The Young City
  21. Revising on the Fly
    (A New Prologue for The Dream King's Daughter)
  22. Hello!
  23. The Long and Winding Day
  24. A Big Thank You to Ryerson Public School and Deloitte
  25. Apple is the Future
  26. Planning Out My Next Few Months
  27. The Young City: We Have Cover!
  28. Exhuming Taddle Creek
  29. The Return of the Happiness Dance (The Dundurn Group Accepts The Young City)
  30. Top Ten Signs You're Reading Something by James Bow
  31. Thank You, Ridley College
  32. iTypos
  33. London Calling II
  34. What's the Word? And What's Next?
  35. A Writer's Interlude
  36. The Long and Winding Road to Owen Sound
  37. The Potter Squatter Weekend Wrap-up
  38. This City Lives
  39. Harry Potter Protest Update
  40. Media Advisory
    Authors Stage Mock Protest During Harry Potter Weekend
  41. And Thank You Toronto!
  42. U.N.I.T. versus Torchwood
  43. Thank You, Ottawa!
  44. Thank You All For a Wonderful Launch
  45. Waterloo-Wellington Blogstravaganza Invitation
  46. Gearing Up, Gearing Up!
  47. There Are Few Better Feelings Than This
  48. Announcing Waterloo, Ottawa Launch Events for Fathom Five
  49. Love Your Characters (or The Unwritten Books: Where Do We Go From Here)
  50. Fathom Five Page Proofs Arrive
  51. Reading at Mother Teresa
  52. Justice Must be Blind, But it Should Still Make Sense
  53. Reading and Copy Editing
  54. Reading and Signing at the OLA Superconference
  55. Doctor Who is Back!
  56. Why Clarksbury? Part II
  57. The Problem With The Passage
  58. I Read to a Room of Over 150 Students...
  59. Jorane: The You and the Now
  60. Toronto Reading
  61. Reviews Taken and Given
  62. Excerpt From the Very Last Episode of Dora the Explorer
  63. The Kids Are All Right
  64. Yes: the Sequel!! (The Dundurn Group Accepts Fathom Five)
  65. Rosemary and the Shipwrecks
  66. Rosemary and the Siren
  67. A Writer's Work
  68. The Unwritten Buzz
  69. Toner Memories
  70. How's Ottawa?
  71. On the Road to Ottawa
  72. The Moment I Realized I'd Left Reality and Was Now a Resident of Cloudcookooland VI
  73. A Great Big Thank You
  74. The Unwritten Girl Literature Unit
  75. The Court Jesters Speak the Truth
  76. A Tale of Two Openings
  77. Jane Jacobs (1916-2006)
  78. James Bow in the News...
  79. Unwritten Girl: Toronto Launch Party and Podcast
  80. The Unwritten Girl's Ottawa Launch Confirmed
  81. Oh, Yeah.
  82. Interview with The Publishing Spot
  83. Guelph What If? Reading a Success
  84. New Father's Moment
  85. What If? Reading
  86. A Sorta Fairytale
  87. Media Matters for The Unwritten Girl
  88. Finding the Story Behind the Story of The Unwritten Girl
  89. Four Years of Blogging
  90. The Haunting of Rosemary Watson
  91. A Portrait of Molly (Introducing Mount Royal)
  92. The Art of the Info Dump
  93. Rosemary and Time now The Unwritten Girl
  94. A Grand Day Out
  95. Retitling Rosemary and Time II
  96. The Centre of the Universe
  97. Entering the Last Month of Pregnancy (We Hope)
  98. More Writing Progress
  99. Classless
  100. Yes!!! (The Dundurn Group Accepts Rosemary and Time)
  101. Breakfast at the Watsons'
  102. Renovating The Young City
  103. Third Blog Birthday; 1000th Blog Post and News
  104. Wanna See Something Really Scary?
  105. The Young City Passes 50,000 Words... Going in the Other Direction
  106. Raincoast Books Rejects Rosemary and Time
  107. Retitling Rosemary and Time
  108. Lobster Press Rejects Rosemary and Time
  109. It Makes You Want to Shake Someone
  110. The City of Marble and Chrome
  111. Rosemary Versus Victorian Fashion
  112. On Costuming (Not Really)
  113. You Can Get Anything You Want...
  114. Writing Rosemary Through Impossible Things
  115. The Girl Who Folded Herself
  116. Rosemary and Time - Workshopping the Prologue
  117. Revitalizing Theo
  118. De-Aging Rosemary and Time
  119. Groundwood Says No
  120. The Battle of Turning Point Bridge
  121. Rosemary and Time Gains a Prologue
  122. Night Moves / Young City First Draft Finished
  123. Young City Breakthrough
  124. Between the Present and the Past
  125. Faith in the Future
  126. At the Mouth of the Taddle
  127. Back to the Young City
  128. Making Rosemary and Time Darker
  129. Rosemary and Time: Something to Think About
  130. The Young City Passes 40,000 Words
  131. The Moment I Realized I'd Left Reality and Was Now a Resident of Cloudcookooland II
  132. My 500th Blog Post!
  133. A Very British Coup Returns!
  134. Impossible Things
  135. The Young City at 31050
  136. After the Argument II
  137. Canis Soup
  138. Jumping in Before the Research Catches Up II
  139. Jumping in Before the Research Catches Up
  140. After the Argument
  141. The Last Breakthrough
  142. A Quietly Productive Weekend
  143. Trenchcoats and Wish Lists / Science Fiction and Fantasy's Clashing Toolkits
  144. Finding the Focus of The Young City
  145. Edmund the Inventor, Rosemary the Recluse
  146. And Happy Valentine's Day Too
  147. Peter Gets a Job
  148. Farewell Project Update and More Young City
  149. Aftshadowing
  150. It's Been a Good Holiday...
  151. Heeeere, Island, Island, Island!
  152. Fathom Five and the Chamber of Secrets
  153. Getting Back on the Horse
  154. Orca Says No, But...
  155. Words With Just One Beat
  156. Why Clarksbury?
  157. Owen Sound and Lion's Head
  158. Language is a Virus (--William S. Burroughs)
  159. The Vaguaries of Time
  160. Congratulations to Imogen
  161. In Ann Arbor
  162. It's Getting Better All the Time
  163. Reasons for Optimism
  164. The Plot/Character Thread
  165. A Down Day
  166. Into the Minds of Babes
  167. The Afterbirth
  168. Fathom Five First Draft Finished.
  169. Next on Fox: When Good Characters Go Bad!
  170. I Love Coffee, I Love Tea
  171. Closing in on Fathom Five
  172. The Happiness Dance
  173. Reading Rosemary
  174. Navigating Around the Rocks
  175. Breakthrough?
  176. And the Publisher Says... No.
  177. Look Out, Annick Press!
  178. Rosemary and Time Synopsis
  179. Covering the Farewell Project
  180. A Sad Joke
  181. The Young City and The Bias Against Fantasy
  182. Historical Research
  183. Delacorte Press Says No
  184. The Young City, Early Stages
  185. Faith From Out of Nowhere
  186. Webring Administrata
  187. Writing Longhand
  188. Fathom Five Down, Young City Up
  189. Our Buried Rivers
  190. Fathom Five Problems
  191. Fathom Five Exerpt
  192. Entering a New Fanfic World