The Dream King's Daughter Archives

  1. (Fiction Special) The Dream King's Daughter
    Chapter Six: Solitude
  2. (Fiction Special) The Dream King's Daughter
    Chapter Five: As the Crow Flies
  3. (Fiction Special) The Dream King's Daughter
    Chapter Four: In a Nameless Town
  4. (Fiction Special) The Dream King's Daughter
    Chapter Three: Past the Hundredth Meridian
  5. (Fiction Special) The Dream King's Daughter
    Chapter Two: The Murder of Crows
  6. (Fiction Special) - The Dream King's Daughter
    Chapter One: The Sea of Tassels
  7. (Fiction Special) - The Dream King's Daughter - Prologue
  8. Hanging Out With the Dream King
    The Dream King's Daughter Becomes My Sixth Published Novel
  9. Run, Boy, Run!
    The Sun Runners Soundtrack
  10. News
  11. The Names of Things V
    When Isaac Became Simon, and Vice Versa
  12. Contemplating Failure
  13. The Nightmare Queen
  14. How to Write a Book in Ten Days
  15. Rural Fantasy
  16. "The Dream King's Daughter" and "Plain Kate" Win Major Ontario Arts Council Grants
  17. The Curious Case of the Missing Swiss Chalet in Winnipeg
  18. The Importance of Beta Readers
  19. Why Does Improving a Story So Often Involve Grievious Bodily Harm to the Characters?
  20. Suspended in Gaffa
  21. Wrestling With Glorfindel
  22. The Dream King's Daughter Loses its Prologue
  23. Revising on the Fly
    (A New Prologue for The Dream King's Daughter)
  24. The Dream Begins...
    (The Dream King's Daughter Gets a Prologue)
  25. Bringing the Edge in
    (The Dream King's Daughter rewrite begins)
  26. A Big Thank You to Ryerson Public School and Deloitte
  27. The Dream King's Daughter: My Fifth Novel
  28. The Dream King's Daughter Passes 40,000 Words
  29. Suddenly it's Easier Being Green...
  30. A Murder of Crows
  31. Girl Disappearing
    (The Dream King's Daughter Passes 30,000 Words)
  32. Breakfast and Lunch
    (The Dream King's Daughter Passes 25,000 Words)
  33. The Dream King's Daughter Reaches 20,000 Words
  34. The Art of Fan Fiction
  35. Top Ten Signs You're Reading Something by James Bow
  36. Winter Wonderland
  37. Aurora's Long Night
  38. Aurora Awakes
    (The Dream King's Daughter Passes 10,000 Words)
  39. Aurora Dreams of Lake Winnipeg
  40. Big Rig
    (More Dream King's Daughter)
  41. When Aurora Met Polk
    (The Dream King's Daughter Passes 5,000 Words)
  42. Introducing The Dream King's Daughter