The Dream King's Daughter Archives
(Fiction Special) The Dream King's Daughter
Chapter Six: Solitude -
(Fiction Special) The Dream King's Daughter
Chapter Five: As the Crow Flies -
(Fiction Special) The Dream King's Daughter
Chapter Four: In a Nameless Town -
(Fiction Special) The Dream King's Daughter
Chapter Three: Past the Hundredth Meridian -
(Fiction Special) The Dream King's Daughter
Chapter Two: The Murder of Crows -
(Fiction Special) - The Dream King's Daughter
Chapter One: The Sea of Tassels - (Fiction Special) - The Dream King's Daughter - Prologue
Hanging Out With the Dream King
The Dream King's Daughter Becomes My Sixth Published Novel -
Run, Boy, Run!
The Sun Runners Soundtrack - News
The Names of Things V
When Isaac Became Simon, and Vice Versa - Contemplating Failure
- The Nightmare Queen
- How to Write a Book in Ten Days
- Rural Fantasy
- "The Dream King's Daughter" and "Plain Kate" Win Major Ontario Arts Council Grants
- The Curious Case of the Missing Swiss Chalet in Winnipeg
- The Importance of Beta Readers
- Why Does Improving a Story So Often Involve Grievious Bodily Harm to the Characters?
- Suspended in Gaffa
- Wrestling With Glorfindel
- The Dream King's Daughter Loses its Prologue
Revising on the Fly
(A New Prologue for The Dream King's Daughter) -
The Dream Begins...
(The Dream King's Daughter Gets a Prologue) -
Bringing the Edge in
(The Dream King's Daughter rewrite begins) - A Big Thank You to Ryerson Public School and Deloitte
- The Dream King's Daughter: My Fifth Novel
- The Dream King's Daughter Passes 40,000 Words
- Suddenly it's Easier Being Green...
- A Murder of Crows
Girl Disappearing
(The Dream King's Daughter Passes 30,000 Words) -
Breakfast and Lunch
(The Dream King's Daughter Passes 25,000 Words) - The Dream King's Daughter Reaches 20,000 Words
- The Art of Fan Fiction
- Top Ten Signs You're Reading Something by James Bow
- Winter Wonderland
- Aurora's Long Night
Aurora Awakes
(The Dream King's Daughter Passes 10,000 Words) - Aurora Dreams of Lake Winnipeg
Big Rig
(More Dream King's Daughter) -
When Aurora Met Polk
(The Dream King's Daughter Passes 5,000 Words) - Introducing The Dream King's Daughter