Interesting Links Archives
- The Saga of the Industrial Sander
- "I feel a great disturbance in the force..."
- On Sobey's Marvel Promotion
- The Anti Cookie Monster
- Hell Candy
- Rope Trick
- On Kitchener in Bloom
- When Doves Cry
- Toronto Timelapse
- Car Driven by Captain Obvious...
- The Last Signalmen
- The Long Game
- Latest Columns
- A Thoroughly Optimistic License Plate
- The Golden Age is Over
- Octobass
Run, Boy, Run!
The Sun Runners Soundtrack - Wherein I Show You Another of My Etchings
- The Search for Planet Nine
- You Can't Start the Apocalypse in Nunavut
- Which Way to the Lobby?
- Yup. That's a Hungry Kitten, All Right
- Dancer at Downsview
- The Model Master Work
- Winter Here, But Not Like Over There
- Eyebrows Up!
- My Head, My Shoulders, Knees and Toes
- Don't Call Me Shirley!
- 4 Mommy
- Time Lapse
- We'll Be Singing... We'll Be Winning...
- The Little Engine that Could
- On Toplessness
- Wherein I Show You My Etching...
- Arkansas Passes Law to Put Humidifiers and Dehumidifiers in the Same Room to Let Them Duke it Out.
- My Thoughts on the Plot of Frozen Fever
- What's Happened to Soho?
- Well! You Don't Say!
- Fear and Delight
- A Question...
- Winter is Coming
- Believe it or not, these do come in red
- To the Boys Who May One Day Date My Daughters...
- On the Nature of Luck
- OK GO: The Writing's on the Wall
- Bring Back the Hockey Rover (At least for a tryout)
- Spot the Assumptions
- Time
- Random Thought for the Day
- How Frozen Should Have Ended
- You've Come a Long Way, Baby!
- Hurt
- Winter, by Tori Amos
- "Giant Inflatable Santas Unite Neighbourhood's Christmas Spirit"...
- The Night of the Doctor
- An Extended Ending for Thor 2
- Power
- And Now... A Dose of Perspective
- Letting Nature Take its Course?
- 100 km long Chinese Traffic Jam Enters Ninth Day
- Looking Beyond First Impressions
- Synergy, After Kids Get Through With It
- Okay, Hands Up if You Think the Fire Hydrant is Sticking Out his Tongue, and Not Blowing his Whistle.
- Tall, Tall Shadow
- Clever Vandalism
- An Educational Toy
- Okay, I need a big jar and a 50 meter chain of beads, right now.
- So, This Appeared Over the Skies of Australia...
- Basia Bulat Covers Bruce Springsteen
- The Best Thing. Ever. Full Stop.
- A Poem
- Promoting Some Interesting Projects
- Drink Barq's -- root beer so good you might have to call a doctor...
- Gone With the Wind in 96 Seconds
- My Blackberry is not Working!
- Paperman
- Parental Terms and Conditions
- Boycotting Boxing Week
- Mr. Blobby!
- Now Imagine this Picture Without the Message in the Bottle...
- You're Flying Mitt Air
- Oh, the Jobs People Work At...
- Basia Bulat: It Can't Be You
- Armpit Candy
- Doing the Twist
- The Man I Was - IV
- Wait, What?
- Toronto Transit After Hours
- Happy Canada Day
- Further Complications
- Crazy, Crazy People...
- The Man I Was - III
- Get Your Motor Running...
- Skyscrapers
- Hush
- A Question of Marketing
- Holy Cow
- The Rise and Fall of CN's Turbo
- Burger King Tells a Whopper
- Okaaaaay... Go!
- Tim Hortons Tries to Kill Me
- Not Entirely Sure How I Feel About This...
- Dear 1970s: What The Hell Were You Thinking?
- Don't Forget: Doctor Who Debuts in Canada at 8 p.m. EDT Today...
- Catapults Brought Into War on Drugs
- Yes, They Are That Good
- The Seeds of Doom: Doctor Who's Best Thump
- OK GO Goes to the Dogs
- You Know What Idle Hands Are, Don't You?
- Craftsmanship
- Random Ideas of Varying Quality.
- "It's Not Cheap, But I'm Sure the Government Will Buy It"
- The Old Man Down the Road
- Ladies and Gentlemen, I Present to You, the Official Mascots of the London 2012 Olympic Games
- In the "Oh, My God, That's Brilliant!", Department...
- Bits and Pieces - April 23
- Hairy Sex for Life!
- Bad Day at the Office
- Your Morning Smile
- Now This Movie Looks Like it Won't Suck...
- Just a Month to New Doctor Who... in Canada!
- Preparing for the Invasion
Escape Artist
(Icarus Down Passes 45,000 Words) - Quick Hits, Groundhog Day
- In Honour of the Late, Great Freddy Mercury...
- What if Earth had Rings Like Saturn?
- And Now For Something Completely Different
- We Still Have a Lot of Work To Do
- Synergy
- Paging Richard Dawkins...
- Congratulations to Arthur Slade for Gaining a Hunchback
- In a Handful of Sand
- Thank You, Globe and Mail
- Happy Birthday Italy!
- Where I am Today (metaphorically speaking)
- Stand By Me All Around the World
- How Long Does it Take for Suburbs to Disappear?
- No Limitations Indeed
- This is Why Road Work Takes So Long to Finish
- Daleks Discovered in Hampshire Bog
- Quick Hits - February 23
- Pride and Prejudice. With Zombies.
- The Lost Generation Isn't
- And Thank You Waterloo
- Where are the Flying Cars? Why, Right Here, of Course!
- Riding Ghost Buses and Parliamentary Trains
- The Year of the Possum
- The Illusion of Permanence in Babies
- A Local Venture
- Odds Bods - October 9
- "From Financial Family Seven, we have the Adherents of the Repeated Meme."
- Quick Hits -- October 8
- The Moment I Realized I'd Left Reality and Was Now a Resident of Cloudcookooland IX
- The People Behind the Politics in the Canadian Blogosphere - Week 3: Comfort Movies
- Quick Hits -- August 30
- Offered Without (Much) Comment
- Charles McVety Embarrasses Christians Everywhere
- On Irrational Violence
- Quick Hits - July 22
- Bouncing off Clouds (This is a fan video?!)
- "This is not the way to get healthy!" (or secure)
- Happy 141st Birthday, Canada
- The Geek Starts Here
- News From the Face of Boe... er... Bow
- Your Problem Was that Your Doll was Set to 'Evil'.
- The Dream King's Daughter Passes 40,000 Words
- The Shape of Things to Come
- Bohemian Renaissance
- Democracy Walks
- Idiots on Parade
- Quick Hits -- February 11
- Hmm...
- Making PATHs
- Tim Horton's Exceeds its Mandate
- Well, That Didn't Go As Well As Planned
- And the Winner for Best Advertising Prop of 2008 is... A Manilla Envelope?!
- Calm For Christmas
- Sex! In! Spaaaace!
- Controlling Your Destiny
- The Epic, Fifty Question, Are You a Big Geek, Test
- The Moment I Realized I'd Left Reality and Was Now a Resident of Cloudcookooland VIII
- You are *SO* Going to Purgatory!
- What is Negative Advertising?
- Quick Hits - September 10
- I Get Letters...
- Let Us Not Forget, China is Still a Dictatorship
A Long Life, Well Lived. Honest!
(Ed Mirvish, 1914-2007) - The Scottish Attack Squirrel of Death
- The Only Time I Will Ever Use the Words 'Paris' and 'Hilton' in a Post
- Rise of the Machines, Part II
- Breech!
- Perils of Child Rearing that Other Parents See Fit Not to Warn You About
- Quick Hits - June 10
- Quick Hits - June 4th
- There is Writing, and then there is *Writing*
- What's Black and Blue and Floats in the Gulf of St. Lawrence?
- An Open Letter to Greg Sorbara and John Tory
- I'm Just Talking About Washington, Man!
- Quick Hits - March 20
- What if Steve Jobs was President... or, What if the President was Steve Jobs
- Portrait of a Lawsuit Waiting to Happen
- Quick Hits - March 8
- Quick Hits - February 28
- Everything is About to Change?
- Doctor Who is Back!
- Poking the Resting Soul of Galileo
- Talk About a Music Mix
- A Few Short Words
- The Greatest Canadian... Blog -- Part III
- The Rise of the Machines
- A Bit of Blog Criticism...
- What the Founding Fathers Were Thinking
- Jorane: The You and the Now
- The State of Waterloo's Economy
- The Long Walk of Ernie Kosanyi
- Quick Hits - September 11
- In Praise of Geekery
- First Steps
- Quick Hits - June 1
- Die, Human!!
- Just Wing It, Baby!
- A Canadian Blogger in Virtual Texas II
- The Black Market and Scar Reviewed
- Quick Hits - January 2
- I'd like to thank the academy...
- The Greatest Canadian... Blog -- Part II
- Letter from the CBC
- God is a Comedy Writer
- Google 2084
- Thirty-Eight Weeks
- Face Off! (Literally!)
- Patriotism Really is the Last Refuge of the Scoundrel
- Yes, We Have No Bananas
- Interesting creature, the lemming...
- Welcome Back!
- Tim Horton Wins
- When Vesuvius erupted, the people of Pompeii stayed in their homes. How do we know that, Ken?
- The Stories of the City
- Kutcher, Hilton star in Casablanca Remake
- How Very Random
- Linkages
- The Perils of Making Champagne Vinegar
- Voting Now On at 2004 Canadian Blogging Awards
- The Greatest Canadian... Blog
- Carnival of the Vanities CIX
- Americans Need to Take a Deep Breath
- We Have Met the Enemy And He Is...
- I Rule the World
- Creepy Fraud
- Back to Iraq now Back in Iraq
- Red Room! Red Room!
- Spiritbookword
- Here's Your Flag! Hope You Like It!
- Creepy
- Cool James Koole
- Stephen Harper as Gabbo
- Economics, the Comic Science
- Photo of the Day
- You Can Get Anything You Want...
- Top Blogs!
- Guaranteed 14% Less Evil than Rebecca!
- A - Carnival of the Canucks VI - The Undiscovered Country
- B - Carnival of the Canucks VI - The Weather
- C - Carnival of the Canucks VI - Second Half
- Carnival of the Scribes II
- Carnival of the Scribes
- Important Books
- Blogs About Fiction? Meet Fictional Blogs II
- We Were Promised Flying Cars
- Night and Day
- That's What It's All About...
- Angel Two For Two
- In the Year 2525
- Winners of the IgNobel
- Disco Isn't Dead...
- Really Interesting Things
- Why Proofreading Is Hard
- Reptilian Kitten-Eaters are People Too!
- Notes on my Desk
- Environmental News
- By Far, the Funniest Thing I've Ever Seen Anywhere in the Blogosphere...
- Ghost For Sale!
- Would You Like a Piece of Me?
- Just Wait Till the Shareholder Meeting...
- Writing News (Not Mine)
- Abandon Hope All Ye Who Enter Here
- ***big dreamy smile***
- Got AOL CDs?
- More Weird Google Searches
- Incoming!!!
- Everybody Else is Googlizing, So Why Can't I?
- Universal Disaster Predicted! Film at 11.
- A Quick Hello!
- There's No Way that Paper Can Beat Rock!
- Another Microsoft "Switch" Ad?
- A sign of the apocalypse?
- Language is a Virus (--William S. Burroughs)
- Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear
- Is It Not Nifty?
- Some Odds and Ends
- Hail Caesar!
- Blogs About Fiction? Meet Fictional Blogs
- Not My Photos, But...
- Google Search Results
- *blink* ... *blink* ... *blink*
- Hi, Chas!
- Busy Stuffy Buffy
- Worship the Comic
- To My Dying Days
- Dumb Quizzes