Fifteen Minutes of Shame Archives
- Whither Joan Sprat?
- Phone Conversation During the Pandemic
Dear Starbucks
(On Drive-Thru Small Talk) - Nice Sticker Placement...
- The Saga of the Industrial Sander
- The Importance of Fonts
- Tim Hortons and the Good Place
- Where All the Balls Went
- On Sobey's Marvel Promotion
- Hell Candy
- Wherein I Almost Fall for a Scam...
- Ludicrous Science Shows
- Anything...?
- And I Am Not Going In This Room...
- Found on a Box Containing an Inner Tube
- Meanwhile the Guy Ahead of Me is Laughing as He Looks in his Mirror and Sees Me Pursing my Lips...
- Somebody Lose a License Plate?
- Questions You Might Not Want Answered...
- Did someone trademark the word "donut"?
- The Curious Case of the Dropping Coins
- "Classic" Hot Dog Flavour
- On Pokemon GO and Stupid People
- Beware the Gangs of Geese
- Looks Legit...
- So, How Much Trouble Has Coke Caused With This Message on its Bottles?
- Did You Consult Marnie on this Arrangement?
- Go to Hell, Sage!
- At Laundry Yesterday...
- Our Very Own Can-Opener Bridge
- Only 16 TTC Flexity Streetcars from Bombardier To Come This Year.
- Which Way to the Lobby?
- Spam Shield?
- Not Sure What I Called Down on Myself, But Something...
- Says the Man Driving the Biggest Vehicle in this Picture!
- Health... o-holics?
- Science Assumptions
- Did Somebody Think This Through?
- What Happened to Michelle and Thomas?
- (Groan!) How Long Have You Been Holding on to THAT Joke, Newsweek?
- Isn't this an Oxymoron?
- A Picture that is a Few Teeth Away From Being Nightmarish
- Truly Frivolous Spending
- Do not be alarmed! Listen to me! DO NOT BE ALARMED!
- The Car Driven by Donald Trump's Nemesis...
- The Glorious Republic of... Waterloobia?
- Petty Thieves
- Everything On Sale, Except...
- Accident Waiting to Happen
- Letting Nature Take its Course?
- Plastic Parking Tickets
- An Educational Toy
- This McDonalds is Not Abandoned
- On the Conservatives' Goldfish Memory
- An Open Letter of Complaint to Onterra Farms Inc.,
- Abandon Hope All Ye Who Enter Here
- Tiny Little Boxes
- My, Grandpa! What Big Patties You Have!
- Emergencies What?
- A Lazy Day in the Headline Writing Department
- Tim Hortons Tries to Kill Me
- Humanity's Dangerous Ability to Make Connections Between Things
- Okay, Seriously, What's Up With This?!
- A Letter of Complaint to the Facebook Customer Service Department
- And I Can't Even Eat Sushi!
- So *This* is What S.O.L Means...
- Quick Hits -- October 8
- Quick Hits -- August 30
Another Sign that the Human Race Might Be
Too Stupid to Live - Part II - Your Problem Was that Your Doll was Set to 'Evil'.
- Hard Day, Better Evening
- Fool For Love
- Another Sign that the Human Race Might Be Too Stupid to Live
- Tim Horton's Exceeds its Mandate
- Calm For Christmas
- The Moment I Realized I'd Left Reality and Was Now a Resident of Cloudcookooland VIII
- Winning a Chance to Lose
- I Have Coldplay in my Pants!
- A Bit of Blog Criticism...
- A Letter of Apology to the Mercedes Benz in the Next Lane that I Dinged with a Rubber Duckie
- The Moment I Realized I'd Left Reality and Was Now a Resident of Cloudcookooland VII
- The Moment I Realized I'd Left Reality and Was Now a Resident of Cloudcookooland VI
- The Bearded Conspiracy
- New Father's Moment
- Wendy Noteboom Ewell Scholarship
- The Poor Woman of the Ikea Parking Lot
- So Many Movies, So Little Time
- The Moment I Realized I'd Left Reality and Was Now a Resident of Cloudcookooland V
- Headline: Gas Thief Escapes on Tricycle
- Goodyear Rubber Could Have Prevented This Accident
- The Moment I Realized I'd Left Reality and Was Now a Resident of Cloudcookooland IV
- The Perils of Making Champagne Vinegar
- Hoax Watch
- Proof that Fashion Designers Hate Women
- You Can Get Anything You Want...
- Shopping Diary
- Tech Drooling and More
- The Moment I Realized I'd Left Reality and Was Now a Resident of Cloudcookooland III
- The Moment I Realized I'd Left Reality and Was Now a Resident of Cloudcookooland II
- Good Use of International Symbols
- Equal Time Demanded For the Weird Voter!
- Conversations With Myself and Others
- The Moment I Realized I'd Left Reality and Was Now a Resident of Cloudcookooland
- How to Take Down a Christmas Tree
- Dwindling Hours
- Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear
- Bathing a Cat
- 622 Songs on the Wall
- I Smell a Rat...
- Ratzin', fratzin', stupid glasses!
- From the Sometimes it Doesn't Pay to Get Out of Bed Department