Fifteen Minutes of Shame Archives

  1. Whither Joan Sprat?
  2. Phone Conversation During the Pandemic
  3. Dear Starbucks
    (On Drive-Thru Small Talk)
  4. Nice Sticker Placement...
  5. The Saga of the Industrial Sander
  6. The Importance of Fonts
  7. Tim Hortons and the Good Place
  8. Where All the Balls Went
  9. On Sobey's Marvel Promotion
  10. Hell Candy
  11. Wherein I Almost Fall for a Scam...
  12. Ludicrous Science Shows
  13. Anything...?
  14. And I Am Not Going In This Room...
  15. Found on a Box Containing an Inner Tube
  16. Meanwhile the Guy Ahead of Me is Laughing as He Looks in his Mirror and Sees Me Pursing my Lips...
  17. Somebody Lose a License Plate?
  18. Questions You Might Not Want Answered...
  19. Did someone trademark the word "donut"?
  20. The Curious Case of the Dropping Coins
  21. "Classic" Hot Dog Flavour
  22. On Pokemon GO and Stupid People
  23. Beware the Gangs of Geese
  24. Looks Legit...
  25. So, How Much Trouble Has Coke Caused With This Message on its Bottles?
  26. Did You Consult Marnie on this Arrangement?
  27. Go to Hell, Sage!
  28. At Laundry Yesterday...
  29. Our Very Own Can-Opener Bridge
  30. Only 16 TTC Flexity Streetcars from Bombardier To Come This Year.
  31. Which Way to the Lobby?
  32. Spam Shield?
  33. Not Sure What I Called Down on Myself, But Something...
  34. Says the Man Driving the Biggest Vehicle in this Picture!
  35. Health... o-holics?
  36. Science Assumptions
  37. Did Somebody Think This Through?
  38. What Happened to Michelle and Thomas?
  39. (Groan!) How Long Have You Been Holding on to THAT Joke, Newsweek?
  40. Isn't this an Oxymoron?
  41. A Picture that is a Few Teeth Away From Being Nightmarish
  42. Truly Frivolous Spending
  43. Do not be alarmed! Listen to me! DO NOT BE ALARMED!
  44. The Car Driven by Donald Trump's Nemesis...
  45. The Glorious Republic of... Waterloobia?
  46. Petty Thieves
  47. Everything On Sale, Except...
  48. Accident Waiting to Happen
  49. Letting Nature Take its Course?
  50. Plastic Parking Tickets
  51. An Educational Toy
  52. This McDonalds is Not Abandoned
  53. On the Conservatives' Goldfish Memory
  54. An Open Letter of Complaint to Onterra Farms Inc.,
  55. Abandon Hope All Ye Who Enter Here
  56. Tiny Little Boxes
  57. My, Grandpa! What Big Patties You Have!
  58. Emergencies What?
  59. A Lazy Day in the Headline Writing Department
  60. Tim Hortons Tries to Kill Me
  61. Humanity's Dangerous Ability to Make Connections Between Things
  62. Okay, Seriously, What's Up With This?!
  63. A Letter of Complaint to the Facebook Customer Service Department
  64. And I Can't Even Eat Sushi!
  65. So *This* is What S.O.L Means...
  66. Quick Hits -- October 8
  67. Quick Hits -- August 30
  68. Another Sign that the Human Race Might Be
    Too Stupid to Live - Part II
  69. Your Problem Was that Your Doll was Set to 'Evil'.
  70. Hard Day, Better Evening
  71. Fool For Love
  72. Another Sign that the Human Race Might Be Too Stupid to Live
  73. Tim Horton's Exceeds its Mandate
  74. Calm For Christmas
  75. The Moment I Realized I'd Left Reality and Was Now a Resident of Cloudcookooland VIII
  76. Winning a Chance to Lose
  77. I Have Coldplay in my Pants!
  78. A Bit of Blog Criticism...
  79. A Letter of Apology to the Mercedes Benz in the Next Lane that I Dinged with a Rubber Duckie
  80. The Moment I Realized I'd Left Reality and Was Now a Resident of Cloudcookooland VII
  81. The Moment I Realized I'd Left Reality and Was Now a Resident of Cloudcookooland VI
  82. The Bearded Conspiracy
  83. New Father's Moment
  84. Wendy Noteboom Ewell Scholarship
  85. The Poor Woman of the Ikea Parking Lot
  86. So Many Movies, So Little Time
  87. The Moment I Realized I'd Left Reality and Was Now a Resident of Cloudcookooland V
  88. Headline: Gas Thief Escapes on Tricycle
  89. Goodyear Rubber Could Have Prevented This Accident
  90. The Moment I Realized I'd Left Reality and Was Now a Resident of Cloudcookooland IV
  91. The Perils of Making Champagne Vinegar
  92. Hoax Watch
  93. Proof that Fashion Designers Hate Women
  94. You Can Get Anything You Want...
  95. Shopping Diary
  96. Tech Drooling and More
  97. The Moment I Realized I'd Left Reality and Was Now a Resident of Cloudcookooland III
  98. The Moment I Realized I'd Left Reality and Was Now a Resident of Cloudcookooland II
  99. Good Use of International Symbols
  100. Equal Time Demanded For the Weird Voter!
  101. Conversations With Myself and Others
  102. The Moment I Realized I'd Left Reality and Was Now a Resident of Cloudcookooland
  103. How to Take Down a Christmas Tree
  104. Dwindling Hours
  105. Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear
  106. Bathing a Cat
  107. 622 Songs on the Wall
  108. I Smell a Rat...
  109. Ratzin', fratzin', stupid glasses!
  110. From the Sometimes it Doesn't Pay to Get Out of Bed Department