Tech Issues Archives

  1. Back to the Blog
  2. The Fourth Computer
  3. I'm on the cutting edge! Oh, wait, I just nicked myself...
  4. What the Heck, Facebook?
  5. The Hand and the Eye
  6. Hey, Whatever Works, Right?
  7. Apple OsX Stops a Windows Trojan Over the Phone
  8. Google Drive Versus Microsoft OneDrive
  9. OsX Mavericks Mail Problems with Gmail
  10. Just When You Thought Pop-Ups Couldn't Get More Obnoxious
  11. My Blackberry is not Working!
  12. Apple Workarounds
  13. Kitchener's Growing Wi-Fi Presence
  14. Gadgetted Out (For Now)
  15. To Cut the Cord, or Not to Cut the Cord...
  16. Playing Princess
  17. First Post - Ten Years Later
  18. Battery Blues
  19. For Reference, the Sign Refers to Two Separate Items, Not One...
  20. Trying Times
  21. The Coming Death of Blogs
  22. Excuse the Mess...
  23. Thoughts on the iPhone, Two Months Later
  24. On Matters Apple and Movable Type
  25. Why I like Scrivener
  26. A New Look
  27. Convergence
  28. Again With the Scourage of Comment Spam
  29. Oh, Beautiful iPad. Why I Won't be Buying Thee
  30. In Honour of the Late, Great Freddy Mercury...
  31. Tornado Power!
  32. Rural Fantasy
  33. Another Reason Why eBooks Won't Replace Print Media Utterly
  34. Roam No More
  35. Happy Birthday Italy!
  36. The Replacements
  37. Where are the Flying Cars? Why, Right Here, of Course!
  38. Ah, but could Goodyear Rubber have prevented this accident?
  39. "From Financial Family Seven, we have the Adherents of the Repeated Meme."
  40. "Oh, Look!" says God. "A Challenge!"
  41. Apple is the Future
  42. The Geek Starts Here
  43. Quick Hits -- April 17
  44. Look How Far We've Come
  45. Another Sign that the Human Race Might Be Too Stupid to Live
  46. In Which I Sing the Praises of My Webhost
  47. Six Years Conversing Among Friends
  48. The Second Christmas
  49. Well, That Didn't Go As Well As Planned
  50. The Good and Bad of Apple
  51. A Very Odd Definition of Courage
  52. Blogging from Lincoln, Nebraska
  53. Radio CBOW
    Monster iCarPlay 200 Wireless FM Transmitter Reviewed
  54. The Fall of the CD and the Rise of DMCA
  55. Wherein I Kick Warren Kinsella's Butt!
  56. iTypos
  57. Domain Unavailable... For Now
  58. Quick Hits -- October 29
  59. The Epic, Fifty Question, Are You a Big Geek, Test
  60. Comment Registration on Bow. James Bow. Here's how:
  61. Long Live the New King
  62. Get and Give a $188 Laptop this Christmas
  63. Some Issues With Apple
  64. Movable Type 4.0 Reviewed
  65. A Writer's Interlude
  66. The Only Time I Will Ever Use the Words 'Paris' and 'Hilton' in a Post
  67. In Which I Run an X-Rated Site
  68. The Squee Factor
    (Utopia Reviewed)
  69. Bizarre.
  70. Jump, Science! Jump!
  71. Italo Calvino and Me
  72. A Question of Anonymity
  73. Quick Hits - May 28
  74. How Andre Boisclair Could Have Avoided Defeat
  75. Netiquette 2.0 (The Code of Conduct)
  76. An Open Letter to Greg Sorbara and John Tory
  77. I'm Just Talking About Washington, Man!
  78. The Y2K38 Problem
  79. Fathom Five Page Proofs Arrive
  80. Justice Must be Blind, But it Should Still Make Sense
  81. Optics and Reality
  82. Fear Her. And Fear the BANPC (Yeah, Right)
  83. Where Are All the Lonely People? Not in the Blogosphere!
  84. Two Against One: Firefox/Thunderbird versus Seamonkey
  85. The Slow Death of Feedback
  86. Short-Sighted Conservative Thinking
  87. Further Thoughts on the Canadian Blogosphere
  88. The National To-Do List IV: Electoral Reform.
  89. The Hunt for the Elusive Free Wifi Hotspot
  90. GoDaddy and Movable Type Do Not Mix
  91. Reviews Taken and Given
  92. Excerpt From the Very Last Episode of Dora the Explorer
  93. So Long, Pluto!
  94. And Then There Were Twelve...
  95. Finally, Blogging Pays Off!
  96. Movable Type 3.3 Reviewed
  97. The Importance of Being James II
  98. Apology Accepted
  99. The Unwritten Girl Literature Unit
  100. Why I Will Not Go to See the Da Vinci Code Movie
  101. Just Wing It, Baby!
  102. Phone Spam
  103. Living With Writers
  104. Calling All Waterloo-Wellington Bloggers
  105. Quick Hits - January 17
  106. $100 Laptop Unleashed
  107. Mother Earth
  108. OpenOffice 2.0 and Mac OsX
  109. James Bow Switches II (For Real, This Time)
  110. Retitling Rosemary and Time II
  111. What He Said.
  112. Movable Type 3.2 Reviewed
  113. Is it time for a Scottish DVD player?
  114. Odd Spam
  115. Quick Hits, Quick Comments
  116. Messianic Michael Ignatieff
  117. The New Doctor Who: Continuation or Reboot?
  118. At the CMPA Conference in the Old Mill
  119. Tim Horton Wins
  120. A little knowledge isn't dangerous... just a lost profit opportunity.
  121. What Harper Should Have Said
  122. It's All About Linkages
  123. A Safe Bet
  124. The $100 Laptop
  125. Who Am I?
  126. Bare Bones MP3
  127. Third Blog Birthday; 1000th Blog Post and News
  128. What Are You Doing Still Using Movable Type 2.6?
  129. Skweezer Is A Thief
  130. It Just Gets Worse for Lycos
  131. Going Over the Edge in the War on Spam?
  132. What a Bargain!
  133. James Bow Switches
  134. How to Act Like An Opposition Party
  135. Sharon Wins Gaza Test
  136. Ouch!
  137. Righteous Anger Made Easy
  138. Movable Type 3.1 Reviewed
  139. One Small Ship
  140. A Death in the Solar Car Movement
  141. I Rule the World
  142. The Twelve Percent Solution?
  143. Crashing Palm Pilots
  144. Thank you Movable Type!
  145. Friends and Comrades
  146. Red Room! Red Room!
  147. Movable Type 3.0 Reviewed
  148. Blame Canada!
  149. Not Sure What to Call This One
  150. I Don't See the Connection
  151. Technical Obsolesence Nonsense
  152. Tooker Gomberg
  153. Important Information About Movable Type
  154. Bats in the Belfry
  155. New Digs
  156. Snow Day for the Internet
  157. MT Blacklist Works!
  158. Fun With Google II
  159. Historical Interventions
  160. Coming Back Online
  161. Going to the Dreaming
  162. Groundwood Says No
  163. Interview with a VampBlogger
  164. Tech Drooling and More
  165. That's What It's All About...
  166. Spammers Getting Bitter?
  167. The Province of Newfoundland and Labrador and ESPECIALLY Churchill Falls
  168. Portability For the Rest of Us
  169. Speaking Publicly to Your Diary
  170. IE on MacIntosh Problem Solved!
  171. Jam Cam!
  172. Struggling With Browser Compatibility
  173. Technical Developments
  174. Digital Alexandria Is Burning
  175. Browser Blues
  176. Be Careful With Your Defaults
  177. Internet Panhandlers? How about Internet Street Performers?
  178. Oh, You Have *Got* to be Kidding Me!
  179. Pringles, Spam and Books
  180. Happy Birthday, Moveable Type
  181. And Then There Were Eight...
  182. The Advantages of Movable Type
  183. Dwindling Hours
  184. BlogBuddy!
  185. Trying Mozilla One More Time
  186. Spam! Spam! Spam! Spam!
  187. Nothing Magical About Blogging
  188. Pbbbbt to Microsoft
  189. Running Away From Microsoft