Tech Issues Archives
- Back to the Blog
- The Fourth Computer
- I'm on the cutting edge! Oh, wait, I just nicked myself...
- What the Heck, Facebook?
- The Hand and the Eye
- Hey, Whatever Works, Right?
- Apple OsX Stops a Windows Trojan Over the Phone
- Google Drive Versus Microsoft OneDrive
- OsX Mavericks Mail Problems with Gmail
- Just When You Thought Pop-Ups Couldn't Get More Obnoxious
- My Blackberry is not Working!
- Apple Workarounds
- Kitchener's Growing Wi-Fi Presence
- Gadgetted Out (For Now)
- To Cut the Cord, or Not to Cut the Cord...
- Playing Princess
- First Post - Ten Years Later
- Battery Blues
- For Reference, the Sign Refers to Two Separate Items, Not One...
- Trying Times
- The Coming Death of Blogs
- Excuse the Mess...
- Thoughts on the iPhone, Two Months Later
- On Matters Apple and Movable Type
- Why I like Scrivener
- A New Look
- Convergence
- Again With the Scourage of Comment Spam
- Oh, Beautiful iPad. Why I Won't be Buying Thee
- In Honour of the Late, Great Freddy Mercury...
- Tornado Power!
- Rural Fantasy
- Another Reason Why eBooks Won't Replace Print Media Utterly
- Roam No More
- Happy Birthday Italy!
- The Replacements
- Where are the Flying Cars? Why, Right Here, of Course!
- Ah, but could Goodyear Rubber have prevented this accident?
- "From Financial Family Seven, we have the Adherents of the Repeated Meme."
- "Oh, Look!" says God. "A Challenge!"
- Apple is the Future
- The Geek Starts Here
- Quick Hits -- April 17
- Look How Far We've Come
- Another Sign that the Human Race Might Be Too Stupid to Live
- In Which I Sing the Praises of My Webhost
- Six Years Conversing Among Friends
- The Second Christmas
- Well, That Didn't Go As Well As Planned
- The Good and Bad of Apple
- A Very Odd Definition of Courage
- Blogging from Lincoln, Nebraska
Radio CBOW
Monster iCarPlay 200 Wireless FM Transmitter Reviewed - The Fall of the CD and the Rise of DMCA
- Wherein I Kick Warren Kinsella's Butt!
- iTypos
- Domain Unavailable... For Now
- Quick Hits -- October 29
- The Epic, Fifty Question, Are You a Big Geek, Test
- Comment Registration on Bow. James Bow. Here's how:
- Long Live the New King
- Get and Give a $188 Laptop this Christmas
- Some Issues With Apple
- Movable Type 4.0 Reviewed
- A Writer's Interlude
- The Only Time I Will Ever Use the Words 'Paris' and 'Hilton' in a Post
- In Which I Run an X-Rated Site
The Squee Factor
(Utopia Reviewed) - Bizarre.
- Jump, Science! Jump!
- Italo Calvino and Me
- A Question of Anonymity
- Quick Hits - May 28
- How Andre Boisclair Could Have Avoided Defeat
- Netiquette 2.0 (The Code of Conduct)
- An Open Letter to Greg Sorbara and John Tory
- I'm Just Talking About Washington, Man!
- The Y2K38 Problem
- Fathom Five Page Proofs Arrive
- Justice Must be Blind, But it Should Still Make Sense
- Optics and Reality
- Fear Her. And Fear the BANPC (Yeah, Right)
- Where Are All the Lonely People? Not in the Blogosphere!
- Two Against One: Firefox/Thunderbird versus Seamonkey
- The Slow Death of Feedback
- Short-Sighted Conservative Thinking
- Further Thoughts on the Canadian Blogosphere
- The National To-Do List IV: Electoral Reform.
- The Hunt for the Elusive Free Wifi Hotspot
- GoDaddy and Movable Type Do Not Mix
- Reviews Taken and Given
- Excerpt From the Very Last Episode of Dora the Explorer
- So Long, Pluto!
- And Then There Were Twelve...
- Finally, Blogging Pays Off!
- Movable Type 3.3 Reviewed
- The Importance of Being James II
- Apology Accepted
- The Unwritten Girl Literature Unit
- Why I Will Not Go to See the Da Vinci Code Movie
- Just Wing It, Baby!
- Phone Spam
- Living With Writers
- Calling All Waterloo-Wellington Bloggers
- Quick Hits - January 17
- $100 Laptop Unleashed
- Mother Earth
- OpenOffice 2.0 and Mac OsX
- James Bow Switches II (For Real, This Time)
- Retitling Rosemary and Time II
- What He Said.
- Movable Type 3.2 Reviewed
- Is it time for a Scottish DVD player?
- Odd Spam
- Quick Hits, Quick Comments
- Messianic Michael Ignatieff
- The New Doctor Who: Continuation or Reboot?
- At the CMPA Conference in the Old Mill
- Tim Horton Wins
- A little knowledge isn't dangerous... just a lost profit opportunity.
- What Harper Should Have Said
- It's All About Linkages
- A Safe Bet
- The $100 Laptop
- Who Am I?
- Bare Bones MP3
- Third Blog Birthday; 1000th Blog Post and News
- What Are You Doing Still Using Movable Type 2.6?
- Skweezer Is A Thief
- It Just Gets Worse for Lycos
- Going Over the Edge in the War on Spam?
- What a Bargain!
- James Bow Switches
- How to Act Like An Opposition Party
- Sharon Wins Gaza Test
- Ouch!
- Righteous Anger Made Easy
- Movable Type 3.1 Reviewed
- One Small Ship
- A Death in the Solar Car Movement
- I Rule the World
- The Twelve Percent Solution?
- Crashing Palm Pilots
- Thank you Movable Type!
- Friends and Comrades
- Red Room! Red Room!
- Movable Type 3.0 Reviewed
- Blame Canada!
- Not Sure What to Call This One
- I Don't See the Connection
- Technical Obsolesence Nonsense
- Tooker Gomberg
- Important Information About Movable Type
- Bats in the Belfry
- New Digs
- Snow Day for the Internet
- MT Blacklist Works!
- Fun With Google II
- Historical Interventions
- Coming Back Online
- Going to the Dreaming
- Groundwood Says No
- Interview with a VampBlogger
- Tech Drooling and More
- That's What It's All About...
- Spammers Getting Bitter?
- The Province of Newfoundland and Labrador and ESPECIALLY Churchill Falls
- Portability For the Rest of Us
- Speaking Publicly to Your Diary
- IE on MacIntosh Problem Solved!
- Jam Cam!
- Struggling With Browser Compatibility
- Technical Developments
- Digital Alexandria Is Burning
- Browser Blues
- Be Careful With Your Defaults
- Internet Panhandlers? How about Internet Street Performers?
- Oh, You Have *Got* to be Kidding Me!
- Pringles, Spam and Books
- Happy Birthday, Moveable Type
- And Then There Were Eight...
- The Advantages of Movable Type
- Dwindling Hours
- BlogBuddy!
- Trying Mozilla One More Time
- Spam! Spam! Spam! Spam!
- Nothing Magical About Blogging
- Pbbbbt to Microsoft
- Running Away From Microsoft